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300 Quebec pedagogical innovators at Concordia

On June 5, the SALTISE Conference looks for new ways to engage learners
May 16, 2017
By James Roach

Interested in innovative instruction and a community-minded approach to pedagogical change?

Then you might want to register for the 6th Annual SALTISE Conference, a day-long event at Concordia on June 5.

Each year, SALTISE (Supporting Active Learning and Technological Innovation in Studies of Education) attracts roughly 300 university and college instructors, educational researchers, professional development personnel and graduate students from the Montreal area and across Quebec.

The theme of this year’s conference is New Frontiers for Engaging the Learner: Interconnecting Design and Assessment.

Susan McKenney Susan McKenney

Attendees will hear from two keynote speakers, Susan McKenney and Georg Rieger.

McKenney is the co-leader of ELAN, the teacher education program within the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences at the University of Twente in Enschede, Netherlands.

In her keynote, Teacher Learning in Design-Centric Partnerships, she will explore the use of these ‘mutually-beneficial collaborations between researchers and practitioners’ in the teaching environment, as well as the risks.

McKenney says teachers engaging in design stand to gain a lot from such partnerships. “They can help them develop their pedagogical content knowledge, curricular literacy and design process skills, which in turn can productively influence their beliefs about teaching and learning.”

Georg Rieger Georg Rieger

Rieger, a tenure-track instructor in physics and astronomy at the University of British Columbia, will discuss the adoption of two-stage exams that integrate collaborative learning while also assessing students’ individual performance.

His keynote is titled Examinations that Support Learning: How Two-Stage Assessment Became Common Practice at the University of British Columbia.

Rieger says he uses two-stage exams in all of his courses. “Student collaboration in two-stage testing is enormously intense and effective,” he says. “It is also relatively easy to organize and has a positive effect on learning and motivation.”

Honouring innovation

At the conference, Concordia’s Ann-Louise Davidson will be presented with the 2017 SALTISE Best Practices and Pedagogical Innovators Award.

Ann-Louise Davidson Ann-Louise Davidson

Davidson is an associate professor of education in the Faculty of Arts and Science, and graduate program director for the MA in Educational Technology and the Graduate Diploma in Instructional Technology.

She’s being recognized for her leadership in promoting academic excellence and supporting academic communities, and as an adopter of innovative pedagogies in her teaching practice.

“Engaging in pedagogical innovation involves thinking outside the box to foster meaningful learning, and often we never find out if what we did worked,” says Davidson.

“Being nominated by two of my PhD students is a clear indicator that I’m on the right track. And knowing that the nomination was supported by two colleagues who I greatly respect gives me the assurance that my risk-taking is well-received by my community.”

Register for SALTISE before May 21
to take advantage of free conference registration.


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