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Pascale Biron, PhD

Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries

  • Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment

Thesis supervision details

Supervised programs: Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies (MSc), Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies (PhD)

Research areas: Hydro-geomorphology and river dynamics, River management in agricultural watersheds, Geographical Information Systems, Morphodynamic numerical modelling, Stream restoration for fish habitat.

Contact information


Dr. Biron has studied at the Université de Montréal and at Leeds University during her doctoral research in fluvial geomorphology. She has joined Concordia in 1998. Her research involves river dynamics, stream restoration for fish habitat, sustainable management of agricultural streams, climate change impacts on rivers, large-scale flood modelling, three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics and freedom space for rivers. 

Professional affiliations

Canadian Geomorphology Research Group
Canadian Association of Geographers
American Geophysical Union
Member of GRIL (Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Limnologie)
Member of RIISQ (Réseau inondations intertectoriel du Québec)

Research activities


River dynamics and fish habitat in perturbed environments
Large-scale flood modelling
Hydrogeomorphological risks to road infrastructure
Numerical modelling of river dynamics
Freedom space for rivers

Selected publications

Refereed contributions (last 5 years)

  1. Foote, K., Grant, J.W.A., Biron, P.M. (2025) Salmonid biomass in streams around the world: A quantitative synthesis. Fish and Fisheries. In press.
  2. Gariépy-Girouard, E., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Biron, P.M. (2025) Societal drivers for the integration of hydrogeomorphology and human benefits in river restoration projects. River Research and Applications, 41, 211-227. 
  3. Choné, G., Mazgareanu, I., Biron , P.M., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Larouche-Tremblay, F., Perry, B., Fortin, M. (2024) Large-scale flood modelling based on LiDAR data: a case study in the Southwest Miramichi watershed, New Brunswick, Canada. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 49, 4, 460-478.
  4. Foote, K., Grant, J.W.A., Biron, P.M. (2024) A global database of salmonid biomass in streams. Scientific Data, 11: 1172, 1-13.
  5. Gava, M., Biron, P.M., Buffin-Bélanger, T. (2024) A random forest machine learning model to detect fluvial hazards. River Research and Applications, 40, 1837-1854.
  6. Genouel, M., Comby, E., Le Lay, Y.-F., Biron, P. (2024) Urban flooding and the resultant pollution: What French-speaking scientists make of it?  Anthropocene, 46, 100436, 1-9.
  7. Couture, T., Gravel, R., Biron, P.M. (2024) Biodiversité et potentiel de restauration des poissons dans les petits cours d'eau de la Montérégie (Québec). Le Naturaliste canadien, 148, 1, 82-98.
  8. Foote, K., Biron, P.M., Grant, J.W.R. (2024) Morphological and habitat quality of salmonid streams and their relationship with fish-based indices in Aotearoa New Zealand and Ontario (Canada). Environmental Management, 73, 213-230.
  9. Buffin-Bélanger, T., Lachapelle, F., Biron, P.M., Boivin, M. (2023) Trajectoires et visées de l'hydrogéomorphologie au Québec. Canadian Geographies / Géographies canadiennes. 1-16.
  10. Duguay, J., Biron, P.M., Lacey, J. (2023) Density effects on streamwise-oriented vorticity at river confluences: a laboratory investigation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 973, A7, 1-30.
  11. Gariépy-Girouard, E., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Savard, M., Biron, P.M. (2023) Histoire et perspectives d'avenir du canal Saint-Georges (Port-Menier, île d'Anticosti) : la valorisation du patrimoine culturel par l'aménagement fluvial. Le Naturaliste canadien, 147, 1, 114-125.
  12. Botrel, M., Hudon, C., Biron, P.M., Maranger, R. (2023) Combining quadrat, rake and echosounding to estimate submerged aquatic vegetation biomass at the ecosystem scale. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 21, 192-208.
  13. Duguay, J., Biron, P.M., Lacey, J.R.W. (2022) Impact of density gradients on secondary flow structure at river confluences. Water Resources Research. 58, e2022WR032720, 1-17.
  14. Botrel, M., Hudon, C., Heffernan, J.B., Biron, P.M., Maranger, R. (2022) Climate-driven variations in nitrogen retention from a riverine submerged aquatic vegetation meadow. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032678, 1-21.
  15. Duguay, J., Biron, P.M., Lacey, J.R.W. (2022) Aerial observations and numerical simulations confirm density-driven streamwise vortices at river confluences. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031527, 1-19.
  16. Marchand, J.-P., Biron, P.M., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Larocque, M. (2022) High-resolution spatiotemporal analysis of hydrologic connectivity in the historical floodplain of straightened lowland agricultural streams. River Research and Applications, 38, 1061-1079.  
  17. Larocque, M., Biron, P.M. (2022) Le rôle des milieux humides et hydriques dans la résilience des écosystèmes fluviaux. In: Une Économie Écologique pour le Québec: Comment opérationnaliser une nécessaire transition, Zaga Mendez, A., Bisonnette, J., Dupras, J. (Eds), Les Presses de l'Université du Québec, 219-236.
  18. Duguay, J., Biron, P.M., Buffin-Bélanger, T. (2022) Large-scale turbulent mixing at amesoscale confluence assessed through drone imagery and eddy-resolved modelling. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47, 345-363.
  19. Massé, S., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Biron, P.M., Ruiz, J. (2022) Les inondations au Québec: Risques, aménagement du territoire, impacts socioéconomiques et transformation des vulnérabilités, Buffin-Bélanger, T., Maltais, D., Gauthier, M. (Eds), Presses de l’Université du Québec, 203-224.
  20. Thomas, I., Gagnon, A., Biron, P.M., Gauthier, M., Bonneville, M.-C., Morin, S. (2022) Réaménagement résilient et innovant face aux inondations. In : Les inondations au Québec: Risques, aménagement du territoire, impacts socioéconomiques et transformation des vulnérabilités, Buffin-Bélanger, T., Maltais, D., Gauthier, M. (Eds), Presses de l’Université du Québec, 271-288.
  21. Gauthier, M., Biron, P.M., Buffin-Bélanger, T. (2022) Aménagement du territoire et gestion des zones inondables. In : Les inondations au Québec: Risques, aménagement du territoire, impacts socioéconomiques et transformation des vulnérabilités, Buffin-Bélanger, T., Maltais, D., Gauthier, M. (Eds), Presses de l’Université du Québec, 153-180.
  22. Lemay, J., Biron, P.M., Boivin, M., Stämpfli, N., Foote, K. (2021) Can the Morphological Quality Index (MQI) be used to determine the ecological status of lowland rivers? Geomorphology, 395, 108002, 1-13.  
  23. Bessar, M.A., Choné, G., Lavoie, A., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Biron, P.M., Matte, P., Anctil, F. (2021) Comparative analysis of local and large-scale approaches to floodplain mapping. A case study of the Chaudière River. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 46, 4, 194-206.
  24. Choné, G., Biron, P.M., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Mazgareanu, I., Neal, J.C., Sampson, C.C. (2021) An assessment of large-scale flood modelling based on LiDAR data. Hydrological Processes, 35, e14333, 1-13.
  25. Foote, K., Biron, P.M., Grant, J.W.A. (2020) Impact of in-stream restoration structures on salmonid abundance and biomass: an updated meta-analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77, 1574-1591.
  26. Mazgareanu, I, Biron, P.M., Buffin-Bélanger, T (2020) A fuzzy GIS model to determine confluence morphological sensitivity to tributary inputs at the watershed scale. Geomorphology, 357, 107095.
  27. Massé, S, Demers, S, Buffin-Bélanger, T, Biron, P.M., Choné, G, Massey W. (2020) Development of a mapping approach encompassing most fluvial processes: Lessons learned from the freedom space for rivers concept in Quebec (Canada). River Research and Applications, 36, 947-959.
  28. Biron, P.M., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Martel, N. (2019) Three-dimensional turbulent structures at a medium-sized confluence with and without an ice cover Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44, 3042-3056.
  29. Bulat, M., Biron, P.M., Lacey, R.W.J., Botrel, M., Hudon, C., Maranger, R. (2019) A 3D numerical model investigation of the impact of submerged macrophytes on flow dynamics in a large fluvial lake. Freshwater Biology, 64,1627-1642.
  30. Poulin, M, Evette, A, Tisserant, M, Keita, N, Breton, V, Biron, P., Raymond, P., Charbonneau, G., Falardeau, I. (2019) Le génie végétal pour la protection des berges de cours d'eau au Québec: état des lieux et perspectives pour les Basses-terres du Saint-Laurent. Sciences Eaux & Territoires. Article hors-série No 57, 7 p. (
  31. Hurson, M, Biron, P.M. (2019) Quantifying hydrodynamic changes associated with bioengineered stabilization measures using numerical modelling. Ecological Engineering. 136, 118-124.
  32. Baril, A.-M, Biron, P.M., Grant, J.W.A. (2019) An assessment of an unsuccessful restoration project for lake sturgeon using 3D numerical modelling. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 39(1), 69-81.

Non-refereed reports and papers

Biron, P.M., Thomas, I. (2019) Mieux vivre avec l'eau, pour être plus résilient face aux inondations. La Conversation, August,  

Biron, P.M. (2019) Qui est en charge de la gestion des inondations au Québec? Options Politiques, August,

Biron,P.M. (2017) La restauration de l’habitat du poisson en rivière : une recension des écrits. Rapport scientifique présenté à la Fondation de la Faune du Québec, 70 pp.

Teaching activities

GEOG 375 Hydrology
GEOG 377 Landform Evolution

Graduate Student Supervision (last 5 years)

  1. Botrel, M., Ph.D. Rôle de la dynamique des courants dans la capacité de rétention et de transformation du phosphore et de l'azote dans les herbiers aquatiques. (co-supervisors: Dr. R. Maranger, Dept de biologie, Université de Montréal and Dr. C. Hudon, Environment Canada).  Completed 2022.
  2. Marchand, J.-P., Ph.D. Restoration of riparian wetlands in highly degraded agricultural environments. In progress. (co-supervisor: Dr. T. Buffin-Bélanger, UQAR)
  3. Mazgareanu, I., M.Sc. Impact of tributaries on channel mobility downstream of confluences. Completed 2019. (co-supervisor: Dr. T. Buffin-Bélanger, UQAR)
  4. Foote, K., Ph.D. State of salmonid streams around the world: A multi-scale investigation of habitat quality, restoration, and abundance. Completed 2024. (co-supervisor: Dr. J. Grant, Biology, Concordia University)
  5. Stämpfli, N., PhD. Hydrogeomorphological approaches for agricultural stream restoration. In progress
  6. Duguay, J., post-doctoral fellow. Turbulent flow structures at river confluences. Completed 2022.
  7. Couture, T., MSc Fish biodiversity and morphological quality in small agricultural streams of Montérégie, Québec. Completed 2023
  8. Dickson, E., MSc Characterization and prediction of fluvial bank retreat using novel physical experiments. Completed 2023 (co-supervisor: Dr. J. Lacey, Université de Sherbrooke)
  9. Gava, M., MSc Application of machine learning methodology to detect the potential for fluvial hazards to occur along river networks.  Completed 2023 (co-supervisor: Dr. T. Buffin-Bélanger, UQAR)
  10. Bile, V., MSc Évaluation du risque lié aux aléashydrogéomorphologiques des petits cours d’eau dans le Bas-Saint-Laurent. Started: 2022. In progress (co-supervisor: Dr. T. Buffin-Bélanger, UQAR)
  11. Robert, A., MSc Impact de l’utilisation du territoire surl’ichtyofaune des rivières des Basses-Terres du St-Laurent. Started: 2022. In progress (co-supervisor: Dr. V. Fugère, UQTR)
  12. Mzoughi, A., PhD Hydraulic modelling – calibration potential with SWOT. Started: 2022. In progress (co-supervisor: Dr. M. Trudel, U. Sherbrooke)
  13. Hosny, A., PhD Impact of small density differences on hydrodynamics of confluences. Started: 2022. In progress (co-supervisor: Dr. J. Lacey, U. Sherbrooke)
  14. Byrd, B., MSc Process-based restoration within the freedom space. Started: 2023. In progress (co-supervisor: Dr. T. Buffin-Bélanger, UQAR)
  15. Noel, D., PhD Analysis of the relationship between long-term climate variability and river mobility on historical and future flood risk in eastern Canada. Started: 2023. In progress (co-supervisor: Dr. J. St-Jacques, Concordia)
  16. Kardaniyazd, A. MSc Lake level prediction for large-scale flood modelling of rivers. Started: 2023. In progress
  17. Ly, S. MSc. Improvement of LiDAR-based large-scale flood modelling methodology. Started: 2024. In progress (co-supervisor: Dr. S. Foucher, U Sherbrooke)

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