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Alexey Kokotov, PhD

  • Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

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Ph.D.:  St. Petersburg State University, 1992

Research interests

Geometric Analysis: spectral theory of Riemann surfaces, moduli spaces,  analysis on manifolds with singularities. 

Recent publications

1. Kokotov A., Кorikov D., Determinants of pseudo-laplacians and ζ(reg)(1) for spinor bundles over Riemann surfaces, Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol. 34 (2024), N 11, 23 pp. 

2. Kokotov A., Flat conical Laplacian in the square of the canonical bundle and its regularized determinants, Mathematical Research Letters,  29 (2022), no. 4, 1141-1163 

3. Kokotov A., Lagota K., Green function and self-adjoint Laplacians on polyhedral surfaces, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 72 (2020), n 5, 1324-1351

4. Kalvin V., Kokotov A., Determinant of the Laplacian on tori of constant positive curvature with one conical point, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, vol. 62 (2019), n 2, 341-347

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