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Gregory Lavers, PhD

Associate Professor, Philosophy

Gregory Lavers, PhD

Dr. Lavers received his Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario in 2004. His teaching and research interests focus on issues at the intersection of history of analytic philosophy (including Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Carnap, and Quine), philosophy of language, and the philosophy of mathematics. His current research explores the relation between philosophical analysis and the identification of mathematical axioms in order to better understand the special place of mathematics among the sciences. Much of his work has focused in particular on examining Carnap`s position on the foundations of mathematics. Dr. Lavers is part of an FQRSC funded research group called the Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire de Montréal en histoire et en philosophie de la logique et des mathématiques.  He has also received FQRSC funding for his own research project.

Research activities

Selected publications

Selected publications

Maïano C, Hue O, Moullec G,
Pepin V (codirectors). Guide d’intervention en Activités Physiques Adaptées à l’intention des Kinésiologues. Québec (Québec): Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2020. ISBN 978-2-7605-5441-2.

Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles
Rosenstein B, Smyrnova A, Rizk A, Escudier F, Gagnon JF,
Pepin V. Short- and Long-Term Changes in Cognitive Function After Exercise-Based Rehabilitation in People with COPD: A Pilot Study. Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine 2021; 5(5): 300-309. DOI: 10.1080/24745332.2020.1790060.

Mograss M, Crosetta M, Abi-Jaoude J, Frolova E, Robertson E,
Pepin V, Dang-Vu TT. Exercising before a nap benefits memory better than napping or exercising alone. Sleep 2020; 43(9): zsaa062. DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa062

Desveaux L, Harrison S, Gagnon JF, Goldstein R, Brooks D, Pepin V. Effects of Exercise Training on Cognition in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review. Respiratory Medicine 2018; 139: 110-116.

ParwantaZ, Chan-Thim E, Moullec G, Pepin V.Diurnal Physical Activity Patterns in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Journal ofCardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2018; 38(5): E9-E11.

Dubé BP, Mesbahi M, Beaucage F, Pepin V. Reliability of the determination of the ventilatory threshold in patients with COPD. Medicine & Science in Sports& Exercise 2016; 48(2): 210-218.

Rizk AK, Wardini R, Chan-Thim E, Bacon SL, Lavoie K, Pepin V. Acute Responses to Exercise-Training and Relationship with Exercise Adherence in COPD. Chronic Respiratory Disease 2015; 12(4): 329-339.

Holland AE, Spruit MA, Troosters T, Puhan MA, Pepin V, Saey D, McCormack MC, Carlin BW,Sciurba FC, Pitta F, Wanger J, MacIntyre N, Kaminsky DA, Culver BH, Revill SM,Hernandes NA, Andrianopoulos V, Camillo CA, Mitchell KE, Lee AL, Hill CJ, SinghSJ. An Official European Respiratory Society/American Thoracic Society Technical Standard: Field Walking Tests in Chronic Respiratory Disease. European Respiratory Journal 2014; 44(6): 1428-46.

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