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Alex Guindon

Not a thesis supervisor

  • Geospatial and Data Services Librarian, Concordia University Library

Research areas: Research data management Geospatial data and geographic information systems Net neutrality Copyright

Contact information


Office hours: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.



Alex Guindon is the GIS and Data Services Librarian at Concordia University. Mr. Guindon obtained a Master in Political Science from Université du Québec à Montréal and a Master in Library and Information Science from Université de Montréal. He has been working as a librarian at Concordia since 2000 and has been a liaison librarian for French Studies, Geography and Political Science.  

His current research interests revolve around research data management.  He is a member of the CARL's Data Management Plan (DMP) Expert Group that is in the process of creating a template that will be used to assist researchers with their grant proposals. 

Mr. Guindon is  a member of the Data Liberation Initiative Education Committee as well as the management committee of the  McGill-Concordia branch of the Quebec Inter-University Center for Social Statistics (QICSS).

Research interests

Research data management
Geospatial data and geographic information systems
Net neutrality


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Guindon, Alex. (2013). La gestion des données de recherche en bibliothèque universitaire. Documentation et Bibliothèques 59 (4), 189-200.

Guindon, Alex.  (2008). A very short history of copyright: adopting the users’ perspective. The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 31 (1-2), 153-174.

Guindon, Alex and Dennie, Danielle. (2010). Net Neutrality in Canada and what it means for libraries. Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research. 5 (1). Retrieved from

Publications in professional magazines

Guindon, Alex (2014). Research data management at Concordia University: a survey of current practices. Feliciter 60 (2)

Guindon, Alex. (2010). Quelques ouvrages de référence en environnement. Circuit, 108, 16.

Selected book reviews

Guindon, Alex. (2006). La lute anti-terroriste et les bibliothèques américaines. [Review of the book Au nom de l’antiterrorisme : les bibliothèques américaines face à l’USA Patriot Act, by Philippe Cantié]. Argus 35 (3), 36

Guindon, Alex. (2007). [Review of the book Barbarians at the Gates of the Public Library, by Ed D’Angelo]. Argus 36 (2), 38

Guindon, Alex. (2008). [Review of the book The Library as Place: History, Community, and Culture, by John E. Buschman and Gloria J. Leckie (eds)]. Argus 36 (3), 42

Guindon, Alex.
(2009). [Review of the book The New Downtown Library: Designing with Communities, by Shannon Mattern]. Argus 37 (3), 38

Forthcoming publications

Guindon, Alex. Gerhard D. Lomer. In Marie-Pier Luneau and Josée Vincent (Eds.), Dictionnaire des gens du livre au Québec.

Guindon, Alex. Sir William Osler. In Marie-Pier Luneau and Josée Vincent (Eds.), Dictionnaire des gens du livre au Québec.

Participation activities

Presentations at workshops and conferences

Dennie, Danielle and Guindon, Alex. (May 29-June 1, 2009).  Net Neutrality and What it Means for Libraries. Presentation at the Canadian Library Association 2009 National Conference and Tradeshow, Montreal, QC

Guindon, Alex. (December 12, 2013). Gestion des données de recherche à Concordia. Deuxième édition de l’atelier de formation d’aide à la recherche de microdonnées des instituts de statistique, QICSS, Montréal, QC

Guindon, Alex. (December 5, 2013). Gestion des données de recherche (GDR) et accès libre. 6ième Journée de réflexion des bibliothécaires de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC.

Guindon, Alex. (November 28, 2013). RDM Survey at Concordia. ACCOLEDS Annual workshop, Edmonton, AB.

Guindon, Alex. (April 3, 2012). Open Data Portals in Canada.  ABQLA Annual Conference. Montreal, QC.

Guindon, Alex. (May 10, 2012). Les données ouvertes au Canada, Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) annual meeting. UQAM, Montréal, QC.

Guindon, Alex. (May 14-16, 2008).Table ronde: LibQual . Participation to a round panel at the Colloque conjoint ASTED/CPBQ, Centre Gelber, Montréal, QC.

Guindon, Alex. (2005). The historical evolution of copyright and its impact on libraries. Annual Poster Forum, Concordia University Libraries, Montreal, QC.

Professional activities

Member of the Data Liberation Initiative’s Education Committee  (2011 – onward)

Concordia’s representative on the QICSS (Quebec’s Research Data Centre) Management Committee (2011- onward)

Co-organizer of CARL’s workshop: Introduction to Research Data Management Services (January 22 to 25, 2013)

Member of the editorial board of Argus, the official publication of Corporation des Bibliothécaires du Québec (2001-2006)

Member of the editorial board of Documentation et Bibliotheques (2014 - onward)

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