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Book launches, Community events

Book Launch : Women's Sport as Politics in Muslim Contexts

Edited by Homa Hoodfar

Date & time
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Dr. Homa Hoodfar


Free and Open to the Public


Simone de Beauvoir Institute


Julia Dyck
514 848 2424 x 2373


J.W. McConnell Building
1400 De Maisonneuve W.
Room LB 361

Accessible location



The Simone de Beauvoir Institute is happy to present this community event and launch of Women's Sport as Politics in Muslim Contexts, a book edited by Dr. Homa Hoodfar. Dr. Hoodfar will speak briefly and will be available for questions. Dr. Geneviève Rail of the SdBI will give an introduction

This book provides an urgently needed analysis of the bravery and creativity exhibited by women in the realm of sports, which has emerged as a major realm of contestation between proponents of women’s rights and political Islamist forces in Muslim contexts. Through focused case studies, this volume tracks the many sophisticated, context-specific, and constantly evolving strategies of women’s resistance to their exclusion in sport. Integral in their struggles for full inclusion in competitive sports, as both players and spectators, is women’s claim to their full and equal citizenship. The edited volume divulges the various ways women negotiate political and ideological boundaries, as they politicize and subvert spaces normally considered outside the realm of state politics in order to bring about gender equitable opportunities while at the same time redefining women’s roles in society.

Hoodfar and other contributors have provided a ground-breaking analysis of the landscape of gender and sports in diverse Muslim contexts, covering Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Europe, North America, and Senegal. This book offers a glimpse of the variety of ways that women debunk exclusionary masculinist logics in sports that are justified by nationalism, religion, and modernism. In the process they also expose, unpack, and critique, the policies and tactics imposed by both international mega-sport organizations and Islamist regimes that objectify and sexualize women’s bodies in their opposing perspectives.


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