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Lunch time discussion with Dolkun Isa

Date & time
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Dolkin Isa


This event is free


Marie Lamensch


Faubourg Building
1250 Guy
Room FB-804

Accessible location


The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS) will be hosting Dolkun Isa, Uyghur politician and activist. Isa has played a major role in the establishment of the World Uyghur Congress and is now the current president. He has become an advocate for Uyghur human rights issues and frequently speaks at the UN Human Rights Council and European Parliament, as well as with European governments and international human rights organizations.

Isa is a former student of Xinjiang University where he led a student demonstration protesting discrimination against Uyghurs in 1988 before he had to flee China and move to Turkey. He received the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation’s Human Rights Award in March 2016 and became the vice-president of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization in 2017. He is on the Chinese terrorist list since 2003.

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