Be there for others
If you or someone else is experiencing an emergency, dial 9-1-1 or consult our resources.
If you need additional support for your mental health or more resources to refer to, consult our mental health support services list.
Be There - A comprehensive online resource for young people to learn how to support each other through mental health struggles, created in consultation with over 1,400 people from across Canada.
AMI-Quebec: Offers free programming for people living with mental illness and those in their circle of support, including friends, family and partners. AMI-Quebec helps caregivers manage the effects of mental illness through support, education, guidance and advocacy.
Conversation Starter: Information sheet to help youth support friends struggling with mental health, developed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s Game Changers, a program designed to help young people feel more comfortable talking about health, mental health, seeking help and supporting friends.
Red Cross Psychological First Aid: This course equips learners in developing a personal understanding of the effects of stress, loss, trauma and grief on others, with emphasis on self-care and personal protection.