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And now what? Managing the transition from student to professional artist

Date & time
Thursday, April 21, 2016
3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

This event is free.


Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex
1515 St. Catherine W.
Room 1.615 (York Amphitheatre)

Accessible location


As part of the annual celebration of the Claudine and Stephen Bronfman Fellowship in Contemporary Art, the Faculty of Fine Arts presents a panel discussion moderated by Anne Whitelaw, Associate Dean, Research.


  • Véronique Savard, 2010 Bronfman Fellow, UQAM
  • Steven Bates, 2010 Bronfman Fellow, Concordia
  • Jonathan Shaughnessy, assistant curator, Contemporary Art, National Art Gallery of Canada
  • Claudine Hubert, general co-director and artist direction, Oboro
  • Joyce Yahouda, owner and curator, Joyce Yahouda Gallery

Admission to this event is free of charge.

Et maintenant? Gérer la transition d’étudiant à artiste professionnel

Pour commémorer la célébration annuelle de la Bourse Claudine et Stephen Bronfman en art contemporain, la Faculté des beaux-arts présente une conférence modérée par Anne Whitelaw, vice-doyenne de la recherche.

Avec :

  • Véronique Savard, lauréate 2010 (UQAM)
  • Steven Bates, lauréat 2010 (Concordia)
  • Jonathan Shaughnessy, conservateur adjoint de l’art contemporain, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
  • Claudine Hubert, codirectrice générale et directrice artistique, Oboro
  • Joyce Yahouda, propriétaire et conservatrice, Galerie Joyce Yahouda

Entrée libre.

About the fellowship

First awarded in 2010, the Claudine and Stephen Bronfman Fellowship in Contemporary Art is awarded annually to two recent graduates from a master or PhD program in the visual or media arts, one from UQAM and the other from Concordia. These two-year post-graduate fellowships make it possible for recipients to develop their practice and their professional networks, enrich their teaching experience, further their research, and exhibit their work. The funds also ensure invaluable access to a studio and materials.

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