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Ann-Louise Davidson, PhD

  • Director, Innovation Lab
  • Strategic Advisor, Innovation, Dean of Arts & Science (Office)
  • Associate Director, Milieux Institute for Arts Culture and Technology
  • Professor, Education

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Ann-Louise Davidson Ph.D. is the Director of Concordia University's Innovation Lab and is the Innovation Strategic Advisor for the Faculty of Arts and Science. She is also Associate Director of the Milieux Institute for Art, Culture and Technology, where she directs #MilieuxMake, the institute's makerspace. She is also a Full Professor in the Department of Education and she teaches in interdisciplinary programs. From 2017 to 2024, Dr. Davidson held the Concordia University Research Chair in Maker Culture. During that time, she created the Education Makers research group, which brings together a community of educators, students, and community members working together to push the boundaries of knowledge of the maker movement in education. Dr. Davidson is recognized internationally for her groundbreaking work in integrating innovation across various fields, including artificial intelligence, global issues, health, sustainability, and motivation among young people. As a researcher, she is engaged in co-designing learning experiences and workshop concepts that draw inspiration from these crucial themes, driving forward disruptive pedagogies with emerging technologies. Her contributions to innovation span disciplines, shaping the future of higher education and beyond.


Postdoctoral fellowship, Carleton University (funded by SSHRC), June 2008
PhD Psychopédagogie, Ottawa University (funded by SSHRC), June 2007
MA Education Administration and Foundations, August 2003
BEd Ottawa University, April 1996
BA Littérature française et arts visuels, April 1995

Professional experience

Assistant professor –Educational Technology Program, Department of Education, Concordia University
Graduate Program Director –Educational Technology Programs, Department of Education, Concordia University
Lecturer –Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Carleton University            
Lecturer –Women Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa       
Lecturer –Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa                            
Social Analysis Systems certified instructor.

Courses taught

Innovation Models and Concepts (INTE 298)
Qualitative Methods (EDUC 807)
Fundamentals of Human Performance Technology (ETEC651)
Fundamentals of Instructional Design (ETEC 650)
Fundamental Methods of Inquiry (ETEC 548/648)
Human Performance Technology (ETEC 512/712)
Educational Computing (ETEC 560/660)
Social Computing (ETEC 560/562)

Selected publications

Selection of articles published in peer reviewed scientific journals

Naffi, N., Charest, M., Davis, S., Pique, L., Davidson, A.-L., Brault, N.,Bernard, M.-C., Barma, S. (2023). Youth Construals of Deepfakes andMisinformation. Journal of Constructivist Psychology.

Naffi,N., Davidson, A.-L., Winer, L., Beatty, B., Focarile, T., Rukavina, D.,Germain-Rutherford, A., Hornsby, D., Strickland-Davis, S., Boujaoude, S., Côté,S., Raîche-Savoie, G., Racine, J.-F., Camara, L., Duponsel, N., Krofp, V. (2023).Movingforward after COVID-19: New directions for teaching in higher education. IJTHE,20(2), 68-85.

Davidson,A.-L., Harlap, A., Bhuiyan, N. (2022). A Living LabApproach to Prepare Students to be Confident Innovators. Papers in PoliticalEconomy, 68.

Parent, S., Michaud, O., Davidson,A.-L., Sanabria, J., Artemova, I. (2022). Portrait de quatre espaces créatifs au Québec :analyse à partir de la théorie de l'activité. RevueInternationale du CRIRES : Innover dans la tradition de Vygotsky, 6(3),66-85.

Naffi, N., Davidson, A.-L., Brault, N., Barma,S., Bernard, M.-C., Viau-Guay, A., Berger, F. (2021). Éduqueraux deepfakes ou hypertrucages malveillants : Un nouveaudéfi du développement de la citoyenneté numérique. Éducation et francophonie,49-2.

Sanabria, J., Davidson, A.-L., Romero, M., Quintana,T. (2020). Macro-diseminaciónde la Cultura Maker: competencias del siglo XXI en un Ideatón. Revista de Educacióna Distancia, 62(20), pp. 1-27.

Davidson, A.-L., Naffi, N., Raby, C.(2020). Un approccio PCP alla risoluzione dei conflitti nelle comunità diapprendimento. Rivista Italiana di Costruttivismo, 8(1), pp.30-42. Complete paper online:

Davidson,A.-L., Naffi, N.(2019). Faire face à un futur incertain à travers les activités “maker”. Spectre, 47(1), novembre 2019, p.11-15.Complete paper online :

Naffi, N., Davidson, A.-L.(2019). Coinvolgere i giovani dellecomunità ospitanti per comprendere come costruiscono l’influenza dei socialmedia sul ricollocamento dei profughi siriani. Rivista Italiana di Costruttivismo, 7(2), pp.42-56.

Cucinelli, G.,Davidson, A.-L., Romero, M.,*Matheson, T. (2018). Intergenerational learning through a participatory videogame design workshop. Journal ofIntergenerational Relationships, 16(1-2), 146-165. Complete paper online: []

Davidson, A.-L., *Price, D. (2017)Does Your School Have the Maker Fever? –An Experiential Learning Approach ToDeveloping Maker Competencies. LEARNingLandscapes, 11(1), 103-120. [

Selection of authored book chapters with reviewing committee

Davidson, A.-L., Charbonneau, O. (accepted). Comment entrevoir l’enseignementuniversitaire à l’ère de l’IA générative. In Stéphane Allaire, Descheneaux, F.Université du futur.

Davidson, A.-L., Louis, N., Naffi, N. (accepted). Développer l’innovation et lacréativité à travers le numérique. Faire face à l’avenir? In. S. Colin& Michelot, F. La compétence numérique en contexte éducatif. Regardscroisés et perspectives internationales.

Naffi, N., Davidson, A.-L.(2020). A Group of Youth Learn Why and How toDisrupt Online Discourses and Social Media Propaganda Around Syrian Refugees. In. A. Naseemand Arshad-Ayaz, A (Eds). Peace 2.0: Social Media as Space for Peace Education,pp.15-40. Palgrave Macmillan

Davidson. A.-L., *Naffi, N. (2018).Facilitating Problem-Based Learning: A Reflective Analysis. In. Jean-LucRinaudo (Dir.). Telepresence in Training,Chapter 3, pp. 53-75. London: ISTE Editions.

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