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Lisa Graves

Marc Lafrance, D.Phil.

  • Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Research areas: Self, Body, Gender, Sexuality, Popular Media, Cultural Theory

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D.Phil. University of Oxford.

Research Activities

Marc Lafrance is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Special Advisor to the Provost on Campus Life, as well as former Department Chair and Interim Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Drawing on his interdisciplinary background, Lafrance studies the relationship between self, body, and society; representations of gender and sexuality in the media; men's health and well-being; and identity politics in an age of ideological extremism and political polarisation. He has published over fifty papers in high-impact journals and scholarly anthologies, has edited two collections of academic essays, and has maintained an active research profile funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. He has held fellowships at prestigious institutions, including the University of Oxford, and collaborates with scholars in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. A dedicated teacher, Lafrance received the Sociology and Anthropology Student Union Award for Best Professor at the undergraduate level and attracts large numbers of graduate students from around the world. 

Public Contributions

Lafrance makes regular appearances in the print, radio, and televisual media. Named “newsmaker of the week” twice by Concordia University, he has been interviewed by or featured in daily papers such as La PresseThe Gazette and The Toronto Star; in periodicals such as MacLean’sMen’s Health, and Vogue; in television shows and documentaries such as AdonisBanc Public and Corps à la carte; and on radio shows such as The CurrentLes éclaireurs and Médium large. He has also given public talks in contexts such as the Walrus Talks Lecture Series.

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