Bianca Grohmann
- Professor, Marketing
- Concordia University Research Chair in Consumer Psychology of Gender
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Bianca Grohmann examines branding, social responsibility, and gender-related topics from a consumer psychology perspective. She is the founder of Concordia University's Laboratory for Sensory Research.
MBA (Washington State University)
PhD (Washington State University)
Areas of expertise
Consumer psychology
Teaching activities
Undergraduate courses
Brand management
Graduate courses
Graduate student supervision
Book Chapters
Grohmann, Bianca, and Eric R. Spangenberg (2011), “Consumer DecisionRules and Implications for Hotel Choice,” in Hotel Management and Operations, 5th edition, Michael O’Fallon and Denney G. Rutherford, eds., New York: John Wiley and Sons, 324-335.
Grohmann, Bianca, and Eric R. Spangenberg (2007), "Consumer Decision Rules and Implications for Hotel Choice," in Hotel Management and Operations, 4th edition, Denney G. Rutherford, ed., New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Spangenberg, Eric R., and Bianca Grohmann (2001), "Hotel Choice Decision Rules," in Denney G. Rutherford (Ed.), Hotel Management & Operations, 3rd Edition, New York: Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Publications in Refereed Journals
Guèvremont, Amélie and Bianca Grohmann (2018), “Does Brand Authenticity Alleviate the Effect of Brand Scandals?” Journal of Brand Management, 25 (4), 322-336. doi: 10.1057/s41262-017-0084-y.
Guèvremont, Amélie and Bianca Grohmann (2016), “The Brand Authenticity Effect:Situational and Individual-level Moderators,” European Journal of Marketing, 50 (3/4), 602-620. doi: 10.1108/EJM-12-2014-0746.
Bodur,Onur, Maryam Tofighi, and Bianca Grohmann (2016), “When Should Private Label Brands Endorse Ethical Attributes?” Journal of Retailing, 92, 204-217. doi: 10.1016/j.jretai.2015.11.001.
Johnson, Aaron P., John O. Brand, Yvette Essess, Bianca Grohmann, and H. Onur Bodur (2015), “Prior Knowledge of Objects Improves Efficiency During Hybrid Visual Search,” Journal of Vision, 15 (12), 1362. doi: 10.1167/15.12.1362.
Bodur, Onur, Kimberly Duval, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “Will You Purchase Environmentally-Friendly Products? Using Prediction Requests to Increase Choice of Sustainable Products,” Journal of Business Ethics, 129 (1), 59-75. doi: 10.1007/s10551-014-2143-6.
Lieven, Theo, Miriam van Tilburg, Andreas Herrmann, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “The Effect of Brand Gender Similarity on Brand-Alliance Fit and Purchase Intention,” Marketing ZFP Journal of Research and Management, 37 (1), 5-13.
Lieven, Theo, Bianca Grohmann, Andreas Herrmann, Jan Landwehr, and Miriam van Tilburg (2015), “The Effect of Brand Design on Brand Gender Perceptions,” European Journal of Marketing, 49 (1/2), 146-169.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “Consonants in Brand Names Influence Brand Gender Perceptions,” European Journal of Marketing, 49 (1/2), 101-122.
Grohmann, Bianca and Onur Bodur (2015), “Brand Social Responsibility: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Outcomes,” Journal of Business Ethics, 131 (2), 375-399. doi: 10.1007/s10551-014-2279-4.
Grohmann, Bianca (2014), “Communicating Brand Gender through Type Fonts,” Journal of Marketing Communications, 22 (4), 403-418. doi: 10.1080/13527266.2014.918050.
Brand, John, H. Onur Bodur, Bianca Grohmann, and Aaron P. Johnson (2014), "Perceptual Averaging of Three-Dimensional Shapes," Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68 (4), 292. doi: 10.1037/cep0000041.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “Brand Communications: Can Good News Be Bad?” Journal of Marketing Communications, 20 (5), 352-365. doi: 10.1080/13527266.2012.699459.
Lieven, Theo, Bianca Grohmann, Andreas Herrmann, Jan Landwehr, and Miriam van Tilburg (2014), “Sex Matters: The Effect of Brand Gender on Brand Equity,” Psychology & Marketing, 31 (5), 371-385. doi: 10.1002/mar.20701.
Poon, Tina, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “Retail Crowding: Does Ambient Scent Alleviate Consumer Anxiety?” American Journal of Business, 29 (1), 76-94. doi: 10.110//AJB-05-2013-0027.
Bodur, Onur, Ting Gao, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “The Ethical Attribute Stigma: When Ethical Attributes Improve Consumer Responses to Product Evaluations,” Journal of Business Ethics, 122 (1), 167-177. doi: 10.1007/s10551-013-1764-5.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “The Impact of Brand Personality on Consumer Responses to Persuasion Attempts,” Journal of Brand Management, 20 (6), 518-530. doi:10.1057/bm.2012.58.
Grohmann, Bianca, Joan L. Giese, and Ian David Parkman (2013), “Using Type Font Characteristics to Communicate Brand Personality of New Brands,” Journal of Brand Management, 20 (5), 389-403, doi:10.1057/bm.2012.23.
Grohmann, Bianca (2009), “Gender Dimensions of Brand Personality,” Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (1), 105–119.
Grohmann, Bianca, Eric R. Spangenberg, and David E. Sprott (2007), “The Influence of Tactile Input on the Evaluation of Retail Product Offerings,” Journal of Retailing, 83 (2), 237–245.
Spangenberg, Eric R., David E. Sprott, Bianca Grohmann, and Daniel L. Tracy (2006), “Gender-Congruent Ambient Scent Influences on Approach and Avoidance Behaviors in a Retail Store,” Journal of Business Research, 59 (12), 1281–1287.
Spangenberg, Eric R., Bianca Grohmann, and David E. Sprott (2005), “It’s Beginning to Smell (and Sound) a Lot Like Christmas: The Interactive Effects of Ambient Scent and Music in a Retail Setting,” Journal of Business Research, 58 (11), 1583–1589.
Bodur, H. Onur and Bianca Grohmann (2005), “Consumer Responses to Gift Receipt in Business-to-Consumer Contexts,” Psychology & Marketing, 22 (5), 441–457.
Voss, Kevin E., Eric R. Spangenberg and Bianca Grohmann (2003), “Measuring the Hedonic and Utilitarian Dimensions of Consumer Attitude,” Journal of Marketing Research, 40 (3), 310–320.
Spangenberg, Eric R., David E. Sprott, Bianca Grohmann, and Ronn J. Smith (2003), “Mass-Communicated Prediction Requests: Practical Application and a Cognitive Dissonance Explanation for Self-Prophecy,” Journal of Marketing, 67 (3), 47–62.
Johnson, Jean L., Puiwan Lee, Amit Saini and Bianca Grohmann (2003), “Market-Focused Strategic Flexibility: Conceptual Advances and an Integrative Model,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31 (1), 59–74.
Participation activities
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Lieven, Theo, Miriam van Tilburg, Andreas Herrmann, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “The Effect of Brand Gender Similarity on Brand-Alliance Fit and Purchase Intention,” Proceedings of the 2015 European Marketing Academy Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
Tezer, Ali, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “CSR Outside the Box: When Unexpected CSR Activities Improve Brand Evaluations,” Proceedings of the 2015 European Marketing Academy Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
Bodur, Onur, Ting Gao, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “Investigating the Contribution of Ethical Attributes to Product Evaluations,” Proceedings of the 2013 European Marketing Association Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Tezer, Ali, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “Is Fit Good Enough? Changes in Commitment to a Cause and Social Responsibility Perceptions,“ Proceedings of the 2013 European Marketing Association Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Girardin, Florent, Amélie Guèvremont, Felicitas Morhart, Bianca Grohmann, and Lucia Malär (2013), “Brand Authenticity: An Integrative Framework,” Proceedings of the 2013 Winter AMA Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Wittwer, Dimitri, Lucia Malär, Bettina Nyffenegger, Harley Krohmer, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “Measuring the Cult Status of Brands: Conceptual Considerations and Scale Development,” Proceedings of the 41st European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “Can Brands Sound Feminine or Masculine? Three Studies on Sound Symbolism and Gendered Brand Personality,” Proceedings of the 2012 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Bodur, Onur, Ali Tezer, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “Surprise Effect in CSR: The Positive Effect of the Unexpected,“ Proceedings of the 2012 Association for Consumer Research Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Giroux, Marilyn, Bianca Grohmann, and Frank Pons (2012), “Activating Multiple Facets of the Self: Identity Signaling and Brand Personality,“ Proceedings of the 2012 Association for Consumer Research Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “What is Brand Authenticity? An Exploration of the Concept,“ Proceedings of the 2012 Association for Consumer Research Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Bodur, Onur, Ali Tezer, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “A Positive Surprise: Revisiting the Role of Fit in Social Responsibility Evaluations?” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Cheikhrouhou, Soumaya, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “Size Matters: The Impact of Embedded Font Size on Object Size Perception,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Grohmann, Bianca (2012), “The Impact of Visual Brand Design Elements on Brand Perceptions,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “When Brands Flatter, Personality Matters,” Proceedings of the 2012 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Cheikhrouhou, Soumaya, and Bianca Grohmann (2011), “The Impact of Elongation on Consumers’ Size Judgments: Process and Boundaries,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Montréal, Canada.
Grohmann, Bianca (2011), “Portraying Femin/Mascul/inity: Use of Type Font to Shape Brand Perceptions,” Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Ljubljana, Slovenia: European Marketing Academy [CD ROM].
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2011), “The Impact of Brand Names on Brand Personality Perceptions” Proceedings of the 7th Thought Leaders International Conference in Brand Management, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2011), “Is that Brand Flattering or Manipulating Me? The Impact of Flattery from a Brand Personality Perspective,” Proceedings of the 2011 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Montreal, Quebec.
Sprott, David E., Manja Zidansek, and Bianca Grohmann (2011), “The Role of Self-Concept and Giver-Receiver Affiliation in the Evaluation of Gifts across Genders,” Proceedings of the 2011 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Malär, Lucia, Bettina Nyffenegger, Bianca Grohmann, and Krohmer, Harley (2010), “Characteristics of Cult Brands,” Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark: European Marketing Academy. [CD ROM]
Thomas, David, and Bianca Grohmann (2010), “Memory Effects of Retronasal Olfaction,” Proceedings of the 2010 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan. [CD ROM]
Cheikhrouhou, Soumaya, and Bianca Grohmann (2009), “Touch Me With Your Eyes: The Influence of Colour Hue and Brightness on the Apparent Weight of Two-Dimensional Figures,” Proceedings of the 2009 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Jean-Ruel, Émilie, and Bianca Grohmann (2009), “The Effect of Ethical Attributes on Brand Personality and Consumer-Brand Relationships,” Proceedings of the 2009 Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Conference, San Diego, CA.
Robitaille, Nicole, Bianca Grohmann, Rong Zhou, and Michael W. von Grünau (2009), “The Effects of Product Display Organization on Consumers’ Visual Attention to Attributes,” Proceedings of the 2009 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, San Diego, CA.
Grohmann, Bianca (2008), “Does Type Font Affect Brand Recognition?” Proceedings of the 2008 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Halifax, Canada.
Grohmann, Bianca (2008), “The Effect of Logo Design on Brand Personality Perceptions,” Proceedings of the 2008 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Halifax, Canada.
Zhao, Yikun, and Bianca Grohmann (2008), “Nostalgia: From Homeland to the Marketing Field,” Proceedings of the 2008 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Halifax, Canada.
Grohmann, Bianca (2007), “Does Michael Schumacher Make your Brand a Tough Guy? The Effect of Spokespeople on Consumers’ Brand Personality Perceptions,” in Halldór Örn Engilbertsson (ed.) Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Reykjavík, Iceland: European Marketing Academy. [CD ROM]
Grohmann, Bianca, David E. Sprott, and Eric R. Spangenberg (2006), “Development and Validation of a Scale Measuring Consumers’ Love of the Christmas Holiday,” in George Avlonitis (ed.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Athens, Greece: European Marketing Academy. [CD ROM]
Grohmann, Bianca (2006), “The Effect of Brand Personality – Self-Concept Congruence on Brand-Related Consumer Responses,” in Dan Ariely, Baba Shiv, and Michal Strahilevitz (eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Winter Conference, Miami, FL: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA). [CD ROM]
Bodur, Onur and Bianca Grohmann (2004), “Goal-oriented Ad Design: An Investigation of Message Type and Consumption Goal Congruence,” in Fayez F. Boctor and Alain Martel (eds.), Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference Proceedings, Vol. XXV, Quebec City, QC: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada., Quebec, Canada. [CD ROM]
Le Bel, Jordan L. and Bianca Grohmann (2004), “A Research Agenda for Sensorial Marketing,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Quebec City, Canada.
Grohmann, Bianca (2003), “Tactile Input in Product Evaluations: Affective Reactions versus Encoding of Material Properties,” Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Glasgow, Scotland: European Marketing Academy. [CD ROM]
Sprott, David E. and Bianca Grohmann (2000), “The Impact of Giver Affiliation and Recipient Gender on the Evaluation of a Received Gift,” Society of Consumer Psychology (SCP) Winter Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Grohmann, Bianca and David E. Sprott (1999), “She Said/He Said ‘I Like That Gift’: The Role of Self-Concept in the Evaluation of Gifts Across Genders,” Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Abstracts in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Giroux, Marilyn, and Bianca Grohmann (2018), “Activating Multiple Facets of the Self: How Self-Concept and Brand Personality Can Influence Self-Brand Connections,” 2018 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Porto, Portugal.
Tofighi, Maryam, Bianca Grohmann, and Onur Bodur (2018), “Conspicuousness of Consumption Determines when Brands Benefit Most from Offering Ethical Attributes,” Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur and Bianca Grohmann (2016), “When Not to Position a Brand as an Underdog: Role of Perceived Risk Associated with Brand in Brand Biographies,” Proceedings of the 2016 European Marketing Academy Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Johnson, Aaron P., John O. Brand, Bianca Grohmann, and Onur Bodur (2015), “Prior Knowledge of Objects Decreases Reaction Times during Hybrid Visual Search,” Proceedings of the Vision Sciences Society Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
Johnson, Aaron P., John O. Brand, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “Brand Knowledge Increases Search Efficiency during Hybrid Visual Search,” in CSBBCS 2015 Conference, 25th Annual Meeting, ed. Ben Dyson, Ontario, ON: Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science.
Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “Helping Outside the Box: When Unexpected CSR Improves Brand Evaluations,“ Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology Summer Conference, Toronto.
Malär, Lucia, Felicitas Morhart, Florent Girardin, Amélie Guèvremont, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “Brand Authenticity: An Integrative Framework and Measurement Scale,” Proceedings of the 2015 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Tofighi, Maryam, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “Ethical Attribute Benefits for Private Label Brands,” Proceedings of the 2015 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Brand, John, H. Onur Bodur, Bianca Grohmann, and Aaron P. Johnson (2014), “Perceptual Averaging of Three-dimensional Shapes,” in CSBBCS 2014 Conference, 24th Annual Meeting, ed. Ben Dyson, Toronto, ON: Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science.
Malär, Lucia, Felicitas Morhart, Florent Girardin, Amélie Guèvremont, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “Dear Brand, Please Help Me to Become a True-Man out of the Truman: The Role of Brand Authenticity,” 43rd European Marketing Academic (EMAC) conference, Valencia, Spain.
Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “Carried Away by the Underdog Brand: Source Advantages in Brand Biographies,” 43rd European Marketing Academic (EMAC) conference, Valencia, Spain.
Duval, Kimberly, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “How Social Normative Influences in Advertising Can Help Increase Sustainable Consumption,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Public Policy Conference, Boston, MA.
Bodur, Onur, Ting Gao, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “Investigating the Contribution of Ethical Attributes to Product Evaluations,” Proceedings of the 2013 European Marketing Association Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Tezer, Ali, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “Is Fit Good Enough? Changes in Commitment to a Cause and Social Responsibility Perceptions,“ Proceedings of the 2013 European Marketing Association Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Poon, Tina, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “Retail Crowding: Does Ambient Scent Alleviate Consumer Anxiety?” Proceedings of the 2013 Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Monterey.
Bodur, Onur, Bianca Grohmann, and Ali Tezer (2012), “A Positive Surprise: Revisiting the Role of Fit in Social Responsibility Evaluations?” Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Cheikhrouhou, Soumaya, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “Size Matters: The Impact of Embedded Font Size on Object Size Perception,” Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Grohmann, Bianca (2012), “The Impact of Visual Brand Design Elements on Brand Perceptions,” Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Sprott, David E., Manja Zidansek, and Bianca Grohmann (2011), “The Role of Self-Concept and Giver-Receiver Affiliation in the Evaluation of Gifts across Genders,” Proceedings of the 2011 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Atlanta.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2011), “Is that Brand Flattering or Manipulating Me? The Impact of Flattery from a Brand Personality Perspective,” Proceedings of the 2011 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Montreal, Quebec.
Cheikhrouhou, Soumaya, and Bianca Grohmann (2009), “Touch Me With Your Eyes: The Influence of Colour Hue and Brightness on the Apparent Weight of Two-Dimensional Figures,” Proceedings of the 2009 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Jean-Ruel, Émilie, and Bianca Grohmann (2009), “The Effect of Ethical Attributes on Brand Personality and Consumer-Brand Relationships,” Proceedings of the 2009 Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Conference, San Diego.
Robitaille, Nicole, Bianca Grohmann, Rong Zhou, and Michael W. von Grünau (2009), “The Effects of Product Display Organization on Consumers’ Visual Attention to Attributes,” Proceedings of the 2009 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, San Diego.
Zhao, Yikun, and Bianca Grohmann (2008), “Nostalgia: From Homeland to the Marketing Field,” Proceedings of the 2008 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Halifax, Canada.
Le Bel, Jordan L. and Bianca Grohmann (2004), “A Research Agenda for Sensorial Marketing,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Quebec City, Canada.
Grohmann, Bianca (2003), “Masculine and Feminine Dimensions of Brand Personality: Initial Steps in Scale Development and Validation,” European Advances in Consumer Research (EACR) Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Sprott, David E. and Bianca Grohmann (2000), “The Impact of Giver Affiliation and Recipient Gender on the Evaluation of a Received Gift,” Society of Consumer Psychology (SCP) Winter Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Grohmann, Bianca and David E. Sprott (1999), “She Said/He Said ‘I Like That Gift’: The Role of Self-Concept in the Evaluation of Gifts Across Genders,” Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Conference Presentations
Bodur, H. Onur, and Bianca Grohmann (2004), “Mere Ownership Effect: The Moderating Role of Materialism,” CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Banff, Canada.
Spangenberg, Eric R., Bianca Grohmann, and David E. Sprott (2003), “It’s Beginning to Smell (and Sound) a Lot Like Christmas: The Interactive Effects of Ambient Scent and Music in a Retail Setting,” 6th Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar of the Society for Marketing Advances, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Bodur, H. Onur and Bianca Grohmann (2003), “Business Gifts as a Promotion Tool: An Investigation of Factors Influencing Gift Evaluation and Reactions to Gift Receipt,” EURO/INFORMS Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Smith, Ronn J., David E. Sprott, Eric R. Spangenberg, and Bianca Grohmann (2002), “Self-Prophecy and Social Marketing: The Effect of Advertised Self-Predictions on Normative behavior,” Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Grohmann, Bianca (2001), “The Role of Tactile Input in Product Evaluation: An Exploratory Study,” Nebraska Doctoral Symposium, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Grohmann, Bianca, Eric R. Spangenberg, and David E. Sprott (2000), “Expanding the Boundaries of Self-Prophecy: Advertising with Prediction Request,” Working Paper Series, Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Refereed Working Paper Presentations
Wu, Xiu, and Bianca Grohmann (2020), “The Effect of Masculinity and Femininity Incongruence on Consumer Responses to Brands,” in North American Advances in Consumer Research Volume 48, eds. Jennifer Argo, Tina M. Lowrey, and Hope Jensen Schau,Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research.
Franzen, Léon, Amanda Cabugao, Aaron P. Johnson, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2020), "Brand Familiarity Shows in Consumers’ Eyes", in North American Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 48, eds. Jennifer Argo, Tina M. Lowrey, and Hope Jensen Schau, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 1240.
Franzen, Léon, Corina Lacombe, Nathan Gagné, Onur Bodur, Bianca Grohmann, and Aaron P. Johnson (2020), “The Effects of Product Images and Working Memory Load on Eye Movements,” 2020Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, Florida.
Kliamenakis, Argiro, Ali Tezer, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2020), “Self-Reported Limitations and Future Research Directions in Consumer Behavior Research,” Proceedings of the 2020 Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Conference, Huntingdon Beach, CA.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “Consumer Reactions to Brand Scandals: The Role of Authenticity,” Proceedings of the2015 Association for Consumer Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Tofighi,Maryam, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “The Impact of Ethical Attributes on Private Label Brands: The Moderating Role of Extrinsic Cues,” Proceedings of the 2015 Association for Consumer Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Tofighi, Maryam, Bianca Grohmann, and Onur Bodur (2015), “Overcoming Stigma: Shelf Locations that Benefit Private Label Brands,” Society for Consumer Psychology Summer Conference, Toronto, ON.
Côté-Hamel, Maryse, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “When and Why You Should Leave Your Romantic Partner at Home When Going Shopping,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, Baltimore, MD.Tezer, Ali, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “Who Should Tell the Story? Source Effects in Brand Biographies,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Tofighi, Maryam, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “How Does Shelf Placement of National and Private Label Brands Affect Consumer Evaluation and Purchase Intent?” Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Conference, Miami, FL.
Bodur, Onur, Maryam Tofighi, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “How Private Label Brands Benefit from Ethical Attribute Introduction,” Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Conference, Miami, FL.
Giroux, Marilyn, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “The Creation and Management of Human Brands,” Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Chicago, IL.
Tezer, Ali, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: When Disadvantaged Brand Determination Improves Brand Evaluations,” Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Chicago, IL.
Bodur, Onur, Ali Tezer, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “Investigating the Positive Impact of Unexpected CSR,“ Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Giroux, Marilyn, Bianca Grohmann, and Frank Pons (2012), “Activating Multiple Facets of the Self: Identity Signaling and Brand Personality,“ Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “What is Brand Authenticity? An Exploration of the Concept,“ Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann (2012), “When Brands Flatter, Personality Matters,” Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Cheikhrouhou, Soumaya, and Bianca Grohmann (2011), “Is Your Product on the Right Side? The Effect of Objects’ Elongation and Spatial Disposition on Size Perceptions,” Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.