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Majidul Islam , PhD, CPA, CGA

Professor, Accountancy

Majidul  Islam , PhD, CPA, CGA


PhD (Moscow Institute of National Economy), CPA, CGA

Professional Accounting Education

  • Chartered Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants (ACCA) Studies in UK

  • Diploma in Industrial Management, Nigeria

  • Ordre des comptables généraux licenciés (CGA) du Québec Licensing, Canada 2002

  • Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) of Quebec Licensing, Canada 2013

Dr. Majidul Islam, Professor at the John Molson School of Business (JMSB), began his career in Canada as a lecturer in the Department of Accountancy at Concordia University in August 1993.

Dr. Islam's previous faculty appointments were at the University of Chittagong and the University of Nigeria. He also worked as a financial controller for the Government of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates (UAE); Chief Program Officer in the Micro Industries and Development Services of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) at Dhaka; and a consultant in a chartered accountancy firm in Nigeria.

Dr. Islam received his Bachelor of Commerce and Master's in Accountancy from Dhaka University and PhD from the Institute of National Economy, Moscow.

Throughout his college and university years, he was a merit scholar.

Research Interests:

·         Sustainability and Environment, Total Quality Management (TQM), activity-based management, balanced scorecard and corporate social responsibility

·         Ethical issues in financial reporting and disclosure, and international accounting

·         Accounting education issues

He has presented papers at international and national conferences in Italy, the United States, Canada, Nigeria, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, China, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Hong Kong and other countries. His conference presentations have appeared in a number of refereed conference proceedings.

Dr. Islam has had papers published in the following refereed journals: Journal of Business Ethics, Benchmarking-An International Journal, Journal of American Academy of Business, Managerial Auditing Journal, the Business Review, Canadian Accounting Perspectives (Currently, Accounting Perspectives), International Journal of Business Information Systems, International Journal of Accounting and Finance,  Journal of Business and Policy Research, International Journal of Management Cases, Research in Accounting Regulation, International Journal of Business Excellence, Accounting, Accountability & Performance, Advances in Management Accounting, Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change and others.

In 2006, Dr. Islam received the best paper award for quantitative papers at the International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD) Conference in San Diego, California, and another in 2009 at the 10th International Business Research Conference of World Business Institute of Australia in Dubai, UAE.

Areas of expertise

  • Accounting education
  • Activity-Based Costing (ABC)
  • Balanced scorecard
  • Ethical perspectives in accounting practices
  • Financial reporting
  • International Accounting


Selected Research - Refereed Journal Articles

  • Islam, M., Hossain, A. and Mia, L. (2018). Role of Strategic Alliance and Innovation on OrganizationalSustainability: Benchmarking: an International Journal (BIJ), Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp.1581-1596.

  • Hossain, A., Islam, M., and Keller, J. (2017). OpenSkies? The Middle East’s Arrival to the American Air Travel Market, InternationalJournal of Management Cases (IJCM),Vol.19, Issue 3, pp.27-46.

  • Islam,M. and Hossain, A. (2017).Compliance with Accounting Standards by Financial Institutions: Some Evidencefrom Bangladesh, Research in Accounting Regulation (RAR),Vol. 29, Issue 2, pp.145-151.

  • Islam, M. “Financial and SocialSustainability: Some Determinants and Their Impacts on Performance”, Journalof International Business Disciplines, (Published from the FrostburgState University in Maryland, USA, AACSB accredited Business School), Vol. 11,No. 2: 29-47, 2016.

  • Hsu, Cheng-Se, Islam, M., Yang, Y.F. “Studies of theCRM: Management Capabilities and the Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction”, InternationalJournal of Business Excellence, vol. 10 (2), pp. 264-282, 2016.

  • Islam, M., Yang, Y.F., Hu, Yu-Jia, andHsu, C.  “The Antecedents of BalancedScorecard (BSC) Usage: Individual-Level Perspectives”, International Journal of BusinessInformation Systems, Vol.17,No. 1, pp. 112-128, 2014.

  • Islam,M.,Yang, Y.F., Hu, Yu-Jia and Hsu, C. “Marketing Mix, Service Quality and Loyalty:in perspective of Customer-Centric View of BSC Approach, Accounting,Accountability & Performance (AAP), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 1-18, 2013

  • Islam, M. and Tadros, H. “Corporate Strategy,Employees’ Attitudes toward the Balanced Scorecard, and Corporate Performance:A Contingency Approach”, Advances in Management Accounting (AIMA), vol. 21, pp. 149-182, 2012.

  • Yang,Y. F. and Islam, M. “The Influenceof Transformational Leadership on Job Satisfaction: the Balanced ScorecardPerspectives”, Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change (JA&OC),Vol. 8, No.3, pp.386-402, 2012.

  • Islam, M., Yang, Y. F and Mia, L. “The Impactof Company Learning and Growth Capabilities on the Customer RelatedPerformance”, Benchmarking: an International Journal (BIJ), Vol. 19, No. 2,pp.137-158, 2012.

  • Hu, Yu-Jia, Yang, Y. F and Islam, M. “Leadership behavior,satisfaction, and the balanced Scorecard approach: an empirical investigationof the manager-employee relationship at retail institutions in Taiwan”, InternationalJournal of Commerce and Management(IJCM), vol.20 (4), pp.339-356, 2010.

  • Islam,M.and Yang, Y. F. “Service Satisfaction, Information Trust and e-CRM Performancein the BSC model in the Empirics of Financial Institutions”, Journal of Business & Policy Research (JBPR), Vol. 4, No.1, pp.49-64, 2009.

  • Yang, Y.F. and Islam, M. “An Empirical Examination of Both Mediated and Moderated Effects onFollowers’ commitment to changeto the Organizational BSC Approach”, International Journal of Accounting andFinance, Vol.1, issue Number 3, pp. 251-275, 2009.

  • Islam, M. “The Link between Perceptions about theBalanced Scorecard Approach and Company Performance—anEmpirical Study”, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 182-194, 2007.

  • Kapoor,M.R., Islam, M. and Mustafa, S. T.“Factors Influencing Candidates’ Success in the Certified Management Accountant(CMA) Examination at the First Attempt”, The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 6, No. 2,pp.112-118, 2006.

  • Islam, M., and Kellermanns, F. W. “Firm- andIndividual-Level Determinants of Balanced Scorecard Usage”, CanadianAccounting Perspectives, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp.181-207, 2006.

  • Islam, M. “Compliance with Disclosure Requirements byFour SAARC Countries—Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka”, Journalof American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 348-356, 2006.

  • Islam, M., and Kantor, J. “The Development of QualityManagement Accounting Practices in China”, Managerial Auditing Journal, Issue9, Vol. 20, pp.707-724, 2005.

  • Aly,I. and Islam, M. “Factors AffectingOral Communication Apprehension among Business Students: An Empirical Study”, Journalof American Academy of Business, Cambridge, vol. 6, No.2, pp.98-103, 2005.

  • Kapoor,M. R. and Islam, M. “CMA CandidateAttributes and Performance: Some Implications”, Canadian Accounting Perspectives,vol.4, No.1, pp.61-86, 2005.

  • Kellermann,F.W., and Islam, M. “US and GermanActivity-Based Costing: A Critical Comparison and System AcceptabilityProposition”, Benchmarking—an International Journal, Vol. 11, issue 1, pp.31-51, 2004.

  • Aly,I., and Islam, M. “Audit ofAccounting Program on Oral Communication Apprehension: A Comparative Studyamong Accounting Students”, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 18, Number 9, pp. 751-760, 2003.

  • Islam, M. and Gowing, M. “Some Empirical Evidence of ChineseAccounting System and Business Management Practices from an EthicalPerspective”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.42, No. 4, February (II), pp.353-378, 2003.

  • Islam, M. “Value for Money (VFM) Auditing—ForEfficiency and Accountability”, The Journal of  Business, The Faculty of BusinessAdministration, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria, 1986.

  • Islam, M. “Problems of Effectiveness of CapitalInvestment in Food Industries of Soviet Azerbaijan”, Economics Journal, Baku,Soviet Union, No.3, 1978.

  • Islam, M. “Some Aspects of Food IndustriesDevelopment of Soviet Azerbaijan”, Economic Journal, Baku, Soviet Union, No. 4, 1977.

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