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Course Code: CEJN 136
Late night in a dark apartment on the east side of nowhere. Cheap neon pours in through the half-opened window. Slow zoom in on a student hunched over a keyboard, trembling with anticipation. If that sounds like your kind of movie, this could be the start of something great. In this course, you'll learn by writing your own script, developing characters, creating tension, building conflicts, finding resolution. You'll critique your own work and that of others and you'll learn about the business of screenwriting: how to pitch, how to get an agent and how to develop your story once it's sold. By the end of this course, they'll be rolling the credits and you'll be thanking your instructor and your fellow writers.

Your take-away

This course is a great way to help you:
• Understand the essence of a story;
• Create a roadmap for your script;
• Learn the principles of character development;
• Hone your instinct to question your characters and plot;
• Learn how to build conflict, work up to a climax and create resolution;
• Gain practice writing specifically for television;
• Critique your own work and that of your peers;
• Organize a successful pitch.

Our approach

This is a writing class, so you'll be doing a lot of it. There will also be workshops, exercises, group discussions, presentations and critiques. Enthusiastic participation and effort are the keys to enjoyment and success in this course. This course is designed for the students to meet regularly during live synchronous learning in an online virtual classroom (Zoom).

Who benefits the most?

• Anyone considering a career in writing for cinema or television or the web.
• Creative writing students who want to broaden their range of expression.
• Advertising copywriters who want to improve their storytelling skills.
• Retirees or busy professionals who want a creative outlet.
• Anyone with a story to tell.

Concordia CCE Loyalty Discount

All students who meet at least one of the following conditions, will receive a 10% discount on their CCE course or workshop tuition fees:

1)   Have completed a CCE, Undergraduate or Graduate course at Concordia University in a prior academic term;

2)   Have completed a language proficiency test (IELTS) at CCE;

3)   Have completed a CCE Professional Development Seminar/Workshop.

This discount is based on the information maintained in the Concordia University student information system.

NOTE: This discount does not apply to a language proficiency test enrollment (IELTS) nor to application fees for admission to a CCE program of study.


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