Hang out
When you're ready to unwind a while, Quartier Concordia has stimulating street life with numerous places and spaces to relax and enjoy. There are 154 restaurants, 68 cafés and bars/pubs/clubs, and 33 personal care services such as spas and salons – more than enough to keep you busy for an afternoon or a weekend getaway. The majority of establishments are non-franchised and independent that add to the unique character of the neighbourhood. And, when you're done for the day, there are 11 nearby hotels, from mid-range to luxury.
If you're looking for a nice view, take the elevator up to the 11th floor of the EV Building. The vista of Montreal's downtown and beyond is one of the best in the city. If you're looking for a green space, kick off your shoes on the lawn at St. James the Apostle church on Ste-Catherine Street just east of Bishop, or head down to the Grey Nuns grounds for a bit of quiet in an expansive green space in the heart of the metropolis.
The atria of the Henry F. Hall and J.W. McConnell buildings have long been part of the university's meeting space. Featuring modern architecture, the EV and MB Buildings are two of the newest and brightest spaces for gathering and for holding conferences. As well, places such as the outdoor mezzanine at the back of the Hall Building will be improved and become another inviting space for study or to enjoy some fresh air.