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Career Edge internships

Career Edge is the Institute's most flexible internship offering. It gives undergraduate students in eligible programs an opportunity to obtain one paid internship in a relevant field to better their transition to the workplace.

Program benefits

Along with a competitive edge when you're ready to join the workforce after graduation, there are many benefits of participating in the Career Edge program. They include the opportunity to:

  • Learn how to strategically develop your career while earning an income  
  • Get support from our professional team in finding an internship in your field
  • Apply your academic learnings in a "real world" work environment
  • Take advantage of networking and mentoring opportunities
  • Develop important personal and professional skills

Internship criteria

All internships must:

  • Be paidfull-time positions (minimum 35 hrs./week) that are relevant to your program of study
  • Start in September, January or May and last between 12 to 17 weeks
  • Not be supervised by a family member

Eligibility for students 

Admission to the Institute is a competitive process. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee entrance into the Institute's programs. Before applying students must:

  • Have at least 60 credits remaining at the time of application.
  • Be part-time or full-time during their study terms (international students refer to international student policies below)
  • Have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 for the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science and the Faculty of Arts and Science (3.3 for Political science), and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 for the John Molson School of Business and the Faculty of Fine Arts
  • Be registered in a Concordia University undergraduate academic program which has a Career Edge option, such as:

  • All programs, except Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering**

* Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science students cannot schedule an internship during the capstone project and must have satisfied the school’s writing skills requirement prior to the internship.

** Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering students have a mandatory internship as part of their program, and as such are considered C.Edge students at admission to both of those programs. 

Required steps to complete the Career Edge program

To successfully complete the Career Edge program students must:

NOTE: Prior to the work term students must apply to, interview for, and be hired for an internship.

Student policies

  • Students must be physically located in Montreal the entire term prior to their internship to attend interviews with employers

  •  With training, support and access to opportunities through the Institute, students are responsible for securing their internship 

  •  Students are responsible for paying the fee associated with the offering they join

  • The term during which the internship will take place is assigned upon admission.

  • Students are responsible for their academic progress (e.g., course selection)

  • Students must complete a minimum of two study terms after admission to C.Edge prior to their internship term

  • Students must have completed a minimum of 45 Concordia credits (36 credits for chemistry/biochemistry), not including Extended Credit Program credits and Mature Entry Program credits before the internship begins.

  • Students may complete one internship only

  • Students may take a maximum of one course during their internship term (including one course over the entire summer term). They must obtain written permission from their employer and the course must not interfere with their internship, nor conflict with normal business hours

  • Students cannot renege on an accepted internship offer. A student that refuses to undertake the internship will be withdrawn from the Institute and will receive a Fail on their transcript for the associated term

  • Students must return to an academic term during which they are taking only academic credits after the internship term, the last semester at the university cannot be on an internship

  • The Institute must approve all internships and all employers prior to a student accepting an offer

  • Students who are not proficient in French must be willing to do their internship outside of Quebec

  • Students must complete all training, academic, reflective learning and Institute requirements as directed


Note: Students are responsible for knowing the rules, regulations, policies and deadlines in the Undergraduate Calendar. The Institute is not responsible should students encounter any difficulties registering for academic courses, paying tuition and fees and/or applying for graduation.

  •  International students are required to be registered in a full-time course load during academic terms, regardless of the above policies. International students must always refer to the International Students Office for all questions regarding course registration requirements, immigration, work visa, student status, etc.
  • International students will receive a letter of support from the Institute upon admission to the program in order to apply for their Co-op work permit. Students are responsible for completing the application process and obtaining the work permit as soon as possible
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