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Academic regulations

Academic year

The academic year begins with a Summer Session (May to August) followed by a Regular Session (September to April).

Summer Session:
The Summer Session covers all courses offered from the beginning of May and the end of August.

Regular Session:
The Regular Session is divided into a Fall Term (September to December) and a Winter Term (January to April), each of 15 weeks’ duration, including a reading week and the examination period. The Academic Calendar at the beginning of this publication contains precise dates for the beginning and end of classes.


Minimum Residence for Doctoral Degrees. The minimum residence requirement for a doctoral degree is 6 terms (two years) of full-time graduate study beyond the master’s degree, or the equivalent in part-time study, or 9 terms (3 years) of full-time graduate study beyond the bachelor’s degree for those students who are permitted to enroll for doctoral studies without completing a master’s degree. It should be understood that this is a minimum requirement, and that a longer period may be necessary in order to complete all the work that is required for the degree. In special circumstances, departments may permit or require candidates to spend a period of time in residence at another institution, subject to the approval from the School of Graduate Studies. When such arrangements are made, it is understood that the candidate will be engaged in full-time study, and that the institution will be able to provide appropriate supervision and research facilities. In all cases, candidates for a doctoral degree from Concordia University must complete at least two years of graduate study at this university, including the final year of the required residence period.

Minimum Residence for Master’s Degrees. The minimum residence requirement for the master’s degree is 3 terms (one year) of full-time study, or the equivalent in part-time study. This requirement must be met regardless of the amount of graduate work previously completed in any other program or at any other university. Certain master’s programs require longer periods of minimum residence.

Time Limits

Students who exceed the time limit as outlined below will be withdrawn from their program. Under exceptional circumstances a time limit may be extended upon the recommendation of the Graduate Program Committee and the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Time Limits for Doctoral Degrees. All work for a doctoral degree must be completed within 18 terms (6 years) of full-time study or 24 terms (8 years) of part-time study from the time of original registration in the program.

Time Limits for Master’s Degrees. All work for a thesis-based master’s degree for full-time students must be completed within 9 terms (3 years) from the time of initial registration in the program; for part-time students the time limit is 15 terms (5 years). In the case of the EMBA, the time limit for full-time students is 6 terms (2 years). The time limit for all other course-based master’s programs is 15 terms (5 years).

Time Limits for Diploma Programs. All work for a diploma program must be completed within 12 terms (4 years) from the time of initial registration. In the case of the Diploma in Clinical Psychology, the time limit is 15 terms (5 years).

Time Limits for Graduate Certificate Programs. All work for a graduate certificate program must be completed within 9 terms (3 years).

Time Limits if transferring from a PhD to Master’s in a similar area of research would be granted a time limit based on the expected completion (4 years), less the number of years spent in the PhD program, or 2 years, whichever is greater; or the equivalent for part-time study.

Time Limit if transferring from a Master’s to a Diploma in a similar area of study would be granted a time limit of 2 years, less the number of years in the Master’s, or 1 year, whichever is greater; or the equivalent for part-time study.

Time Limit if transferring from a Diploma to a Master’s in a similar area of study would be granted a time limit of 3 years, less the number of years in the Diploma; or the equivalent for part-time study.

Academic standing

The academic progress of graduate students is assessed at the end of every term. To be considered in good standing, students in doctoral programs must maintain the F Rule, C Rule and an Assessment Grade Point Average (AGPA) of at least 3.00 based on a minimum of 12 credits.

Students in master's, graduate diploma and graduate certificate programs must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.70.

For program specific requirements, please refer to the Program section of the Calendar.

Independent and Visiting students are only subject to the F Rule.

F Rule

Graduate students who receive a failing grade in the course of their studies will be withdrawn from the program unless continuation in the program is requested by the student’s program or Faculty and approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies. If withdrawn from program, students may apply for re-admission (see Withdrawal for Academic Reasons.) Students who receive another failing grade after re-admission will be withdrawn from the program and will not be considered for re-admission.

C Rule

Graduate students who receive more than one C grade during the course of their studies will be withdrawn from the program unless continuation in the program is requested by the student’s program or Faculty and approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies. Course-based programs in the John Molson School of Business do not have a C Rule. Individual programs may have more stringent regulations; students should check their program’s entry or with the Graduate Program Director.

Students who have been withdrawn may apply for re-admission (see Withdrawal for Academic Reasons in Graduate Admission section). Students who receive another C after re-admission will be withdrawn from the program and will not be considered for re-admission. Students should refer to the section on Academic Standing in their program’s calendar entry.

Qualifying Program B- Rule

Graduate students who receive a grade lower than B in a course in a Qualifying Program will be withdrawn from the program unless continuation in the program is requested by the student’s program or Faculty and approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Assessment Grade Point Average (AGPA)

The academic progress of graduate students is monitored at the end of every term. To be considered in good standing, students in doctoral programs must maintain an Assessment Grade Point Average (AGPA) of at least 3.00 based on a minimum of 12 credits.

Students whose AGPA falls below 3.00 are considered to be in poor standing. Students whose AGPA falls below 3.00 for any two assessment periods are considered to be in failed standing. Individual programs may have more stringent AGPA regulations; students should check their program’s calendar entry or with the Graduate Program Director.

Students in master’s, graduate diploma and graduate certificate programs must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.70 during their program of study in order to be considered in good academic standing. Students whose AGPA falls below 2.70 are considered to be in poor standing. Students whose AGPA falls below 2.70 for any two assessment periods are considered to be in failed standing. Individual programs may have more stringent AGPA regulations; students should check their program’s calendar entry or with the Graduate Program Director.

Students in qualifying programs or concurrent qualifying programs in undergraduate courses will be assigned a grade in accordance with the undergraduate grading system for undergraduate courses. For all courses a B grade is required in order to ensure that the minimum standards of the graduate grading system are maintained. In addition, students must meet specific program requirements for good academic standing.

GPA graduation requirement

In order to graduate, students in doctoral programs must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00. Students in master's, diploma and graduate certificate programs must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.70 in order to graduate. Individual programs may have more stringent regulations; students should check their programs' regulations or with the Graduate Program Director.

Thesis supervision

Students who do not have a supervisor when required by their program will be withdrawn from that program. Students may request to be allowed to remain registered in the program after this point for a maximum of four months in order to secure a new supervisor.

Graduation application

Degree, diploma, and certificate candidates who expect to complete their program requirements in a particular term must apply to graduate by filling out the online Graduation Application Form. The form should be completed by January 15 for spring graduation and July 15 for fall graduation.

Note: In programs requiring a master’s or doctoral thesis, there are deadlines for thesis submission which must be met if a student is to graduate at a particular graduation. These deadlines are outlined in the Academic Calendar.

Credit system

Concordia University has adopted a system of assigning credits to the components of its graduate programs. This system was recommended by the Conseil des Universités du Québec for implementation in all the universities of the Province of Québec. The fundamental concepts in this system are defined in the Rapport du Conseil des Universités sur les Diplômes Universitaires. The credit base takes into account the total activity of the student in terms of lectures, seminars, conferences, laboratories, studio or practice periods, practica, and research, including, where appropriate, the number of hours of personal work required, as estimated by the university. A credit is considered to represent a minimum of 45 hours devoted by the student to an educational activity as described above.

Language of instruction

While the language of instruction in Concordia University is normally English, students have the right to write their assignments and examinations in French. It must be understood, however, that in a case where a professor cannot read French, the assignments and examinations must be read by another professor with sufficient French language proficiency. Students are advised to enquire of the instructor at the beginning of the course whether assignments and examinations written in French will be read personally by the professor. Notwithstanding the above, language and literature departments may require assignments and examinations to be written in the language being studied.

Grading system

The grades and other notations described and defined in this section are those used for the evaluation of graduate courses and certain other graduate degree and diploma components. Some programs have academic regulations supplementing these definitions and descriptions. Such additional regulations define what is required in terms of grades for a student to be considered in good standing in a program. Refer to the relevant program section of this calendar and, where the academic regulations for a program have not been stated, consult the Graduate Program Director. Grades used for graduate courses or courses taken as part of a graduate program are A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C, Pass, F, Fail, Fail/Absent (F/ABS), Audit , In Progress (IP) and In Progress Extension (IPE).

The weight accorded to the various elements of the performance of each student is at the discretion of the instructor or instructors responsible for the course. At the beginning of a course the instructor will provide students with the evaluation scheme in writing. The scheme cannot be altered without appropriate notice.

  1. Each doctoral and master’s program has a rule which limits the number of C grades a student may obtain, and still meet the degree requirements. Diploma and Certificate programs also limit the number of C grades a student may obtain. (See C Rule above).

  2. Fail or F describes work below the acceptable standard in a course. When a student receives a Fail, F or a Fail/Absent (F/ABS) grade in any course taken as part of a graduate program, it is the responsibility of the department or Faculty to recommend to the School of Graduate Studies whether or not the student should be permitted to continue in the program.

  3. Fail/Absent (F/ABS) is used when the instructor at the end of the course has not received the required work and has not granted an extension of the deadline. It is a permanent grade.

  4. Using the grade point equivalents listed below, grade point averages are calculated and used to measure academic achievement: A+ = 4.30, A = 4.00, A- = 3.70, B+ = 3.30, B = 3.00, B- = 2.70, C = 2.00, Fail = 0, F = 0 and Fail/Absent (F/ABS) = 0.

  5. Audit is the grade assigned to courses that are not taken for credit and which do not count towards the completion of a program. A course taken for this grade must be so designated at the beginning of the term. Students may audit a graduate course with permission of the Graduate Program Director of the program in which the course is offered, once the director is satisfied that the student is qualified to take the course. Auditing students are expected to attend class, but are not required to complete assignments or write examinations.

  6. The In Progress (IP) notation is used when a student, who has completed a substantial portion of the course, cannot complete the course in time for reporting grades due to circumstances beyond their control. This notation may be assigned only to individual students, not to entire classes. The IP notation is only used in combination with a valid course grade (e.g. “B/IP”, “F/IP”). The grade is assigned on the basis that the missing work is graded as zero and included in calculating the overall grade. Students must complete courses with IP notations by the DNE deadline of the following term or the Fall DNE deadline for Summer term courses (see Academic Calendar for precise dates). If the course is not completed, the IP notation will be removed at the DISC deadline and an INC notation will be recorded along with the grade and the grade will become the permanent grade. If the course is completed after the DNE deadline the grade will not be changed (e.g. “B/INC”, “F/INC”). The Incomplete (INC) notation is used to indicate that the student did not complete the required work for the course.

    Under exceptional circumstances an additional period of In Progress Extension (IPE) may be granted. Requests for an IPE notation should be submitted as a student request, supported by relevant documentation including confirmation of the instructor’s support for a further extension prior to the DNE deadline.

    In-Progress Leave (IPL) is an administrative extension to indicate the student is on a Leave of Absence and the IP or IPE grade reporting deadline is extended until the end of the leave.

    In-Progress (IPM) is an administrative notation to indicate the student has been granted an exceptional extension until a specific date to complete the work.

    Either graduate programs or the School of Graduate Studies may prevent/remove course registrations on the basis of outstanding IP/IPE notations on the student record.

    Grades with IP, IPE, IPL or IPM notations are not included in GPA calculations.

    Grades with an INC notation are included in the GPA calculations.

    Students will be required to complete the course(s) with IP/IPE notations by the DNE deadline following their return from Leave.

Academic TermIP Deadline for student to submit outstanding workIP Deadline for professor to submit final gradeIPE Deadline for student to submit outstanding workIPE deadline for professor to submit final grade
SummerDNE of Fall TermDISC of Fall TermDecember 15 of Fall TermEnd of Fall Term
FallDNE of Winter TermDISC of Winter TermApril 15 of Winter TermEnd of Winter Term
WinterDNE of 1st Summer TermDISC of 1st Summer TermAugust 15 of Summer TermEnd of Summer Term
  1. Accepted (ACC) or Rejected (REJ) is the final grade given to a thesis or thesis-equivalent. Under exceptional circumstances, the School of Graduate Studies can apply a grade of F.

  2. Pass or Fail is the final grade normally given to comprehensive examinations, internships and language proficiency examinations. Students who fail a comprehensive examination may be permitted to sit for a second examination. Students who fail a language proficiency examination may be permitted to make no more than two further attempts to satisfy the requirement.

In addition, the following are notations which are not grades:

  1. Discontinued (DISC) is used to indicate that the student withdrew from the course in question before the withdrawal deadline. The notation appears permanently on the student record and official transcript. It carries no grade point value and does not count in assessments of academic standing, but does count towards a student’s status (i.e. full- and part-time).
  2. Medical (MED) is used on students’ records to indicate that long-term illness has rendered it not possible for the student in question to complete the academic requirements of a given course or activity. It is a permanent notation; it has no grade point equivalent.
  3. No Credit (No-Cr) indicates that a student has not fulfilled the requirements of the course. This notation is limited to the Diploma in Chartered Professional Accountancy program, which is recognized as a qualification to write the Common Final Examination (CFE). A student receiving a No-Cr notation must take the tutorial section of this course in the next term in which the course is offered.
  4. Pending (PEND) is used when a grade has not been reported at the time of production of a transcript.
  5. Replace (REPL) indicates that the credit earned for this course cannot be retained because it will be replaced with another course as specified by the program. The grade will contribute to the CGPA.
  6. Must Repeat (MREP) indicates that the credit earned for this course cannot be retained because it is a repetition of a course, or of similar course material, already completed. The grade will contribute to the CGPA.
  7. Valid (VALD) identifies a new course with the same course name and number as other courses previously enrolled in. It is not considered as a repetition. The grade and credit will contribute to the CGPA.

In cases where the original grade is not calculated correctly, the final grade can be altered.

Grade submission deadlines

All final grades for all courses are required to be submitted no later than seven calendar days after the University’s last scheduled final examination.

Supplemental examinations

Graduate students are not permitted to write supplemental examinations.

Comprehensive examinations

Comprehensive examinations are under the auspices of individual programs and students are advised to consult with their Graduate Program Director concerning program regulations. While the School of Graduate Studies’ general regulations permit a student to write comprehensive examinations a second time, individual programs may have a more stringent regulation in this regard (i.e., not permitting a second writing) and students should verify this with the program. Comprehensive examinations are graded as Pass or Fail. In cases where two attempts are permitted, an initial grade of fail is not reported on the student’s academic record or academic transcript.

Note: Unless expressly permitted by the instructor, the possession of electronic communication devices is prohibited during examinations.

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