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Pierre-Yann Dolbec

  • Associate professor, Marketing

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We face complexity when there is no clear guideline for action. Today’s world is characterized by complexity. Diverging political interests, technological disruptions, and societal upheavals have created competing and divisive expectations about what we should be doing in our personal lives and in society. 

In my work, I tackle big questions to understand the complexity of markets and how people and organizations manage it.

For example, I answer questions such as how are public organizations responding to market pressures, how can organizations contribute to society while satisfying shareholder interests, and how are consumers reshaping markets.

My current research projects examine markets for coffee, tattoos, sneakers, fashion, music, transportation, microdosing, and education, as well as social projects in Africa, South America, and South East Asia. Based on my students' theses, I also am looking at digital influence and online influencers, and the acculturation of wealthy consumers.

My research has been published at the Journal of Retailing, Journal of Consumer ResearchJournal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Marketing, where it has received distinctions such as most cited and most downloaded papers. It has been presented at the World Economic Forum, and the Association for Consumer Research, European Association for Consumer Research, Consumer Culture Theory, and American Marketing Association conferences. It has also been featured in media such as the National Post, Channel News Asia, CTV News, Global TV, CBC & Radio-Canada, Journal de Montreal, Les Affaires, and Le Devoir. 

I have received more than 750 000$ in funding from varied funding sources, such as the Social Science and Humanities Research Council and the Fonds Société et Culture. 

I am on the editorial review board of Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Advertising Research, and Recherche Appliquée en Marketing (RAM). I am also a mentor at academic conferences, a supervisor and committee member for master and doctoral students, and an instructor at JMSB.

Teaching activities

At the undergraduate level, I am the coordinator for MARK452 'Digital Marketing,' where I concentrate on teaching digital strategy, as well as how-to plan and enact conversion-based approaches. I recently finished an open source textbook to support the course. 

At the master's level, I am the instructor for MSCA668 'Innovation and Marketing.' 

Teaching material published

Dolbec, Pierre-Yann (2021). Digital Marketing Strategy, open source textbook, Concordia University. 

Chattopadhyay, Amitava, Pierre-Yann Dolbec, Rajesh Nanarpuzha, and Jean Wee (2020). "The AAK Kolo Nafaso Programme: Securing an Alternative Shea Supply Chain," INSEAD Case Studies. 


Refereed journal articles

Dolbec, Pierre-Yann, Zeynep Arsel, and Aya Aboelenien (2022), "A Practice Perspective on Market Evolution: How Craft and Commercial Coffee Firms Expand Practices and Develop Markets," Journal of Marketing,

Dolbec, Pierre-Yann, Rodrigo Castilhos, Marcelo J. Fonseca, Guilherme Trez (2022), ".
How Established Organizations Combine Logics to Reconfigure Resources and Adapt to Marketization: A Case Study on Brazilian Religious Schools," Journal of Marketing Research, 59 (1), 118-135.

Pierre-Yann Dolbec, Eileen Fischer, and Robin Canniford (2021). "Something Old, Something New: Enabled Theory Building in Qualitative Marketing Research," Marketing Theory, 21 (4), 443-461

Castilhos, Rodrigo and Pierre-Yann Dolbec (2018). "
Conceptualizing Spatial Types: Characteristics, Transitions, and Research Avenues," Marketing Theory, 18 (2), 154-168.

Castilhos, Rodrigo, Pierre-Yann Dolbec, and Ela Veresiu (2017). "Introducing a Spatial Perspective to Analyze Market Dynamics," Marketing Theory, 17 (1), 9-29.

Dolbec, Pierre-Yann and Eileen Fischer ( 2015), "Refashioning a Field? Connected Consumers and Institutional Dynamics in Markets," Journal of Consumer Research, 42 (April).
- One of six "Highly cited" articles at the Journal of Consumer Research for 2016
- As of 2020, second most cited paper at the Journal of Consumer Research for research published in 2015
- Featured in JCR Research Curation "The Psychology of Innovation", July 2016

Dolbec,Pierre-Yann, and Jean-Charles Chebat (2013). "The Impact of a Flagship vs. a Brand Store on Brand Attitude, Brand Attachment and Brand Equity," Journal of Retailing, 89 (4), 460-466.
–One of the 25 most downloaded papers in 2014-2015 at the Journal of Retailing.
- As of 2020, third most cited paper at the Journal of Retailing for research published in 2013

Book chapters

Dolbec, Pierre-Yann and Andre F. Maciel (2018), “The Micro-Dynamics of Taste,” Taste, Consumption, and Markets, edited by Zeynep Arsel and Jonathan Bean, Routledge, 95-112.

Kozinets, Robert V., Pierre-Yann Dolbec and Amanda Earley (2014), “Netnographic Analysis: Capturing and Interpreting Culture through Websites, Blogs, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Virtual Worlds and Other Social Media Data,” in Uwe Fleck, Ed., The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis. Sage: London.
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