Missing works

Artist: Achenbach, Andreas
(German, 1815–1910)
Title: Calabrian Coast – Scilla/Sizilianische Landschaft
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 108 x 172.5 cm
Inscriptions: Signed “A. Achenbach 1861.” Lower left.
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Asch, Pieter Jansz
(Dutch, 1603-1678)
Title: Wooded Landscape with Staffage / Bewaldete Landschaft mit Staffage
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 37 x 49 cm.
Inscriptions: Signed P.v. Asch.
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Avercamp, Hendrick
(Dutch, 1585-1634)
Title: Winter Landscape
Medium: Oil on wood
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 25 x 34.3 cm
- Arens, Brussels
- Jules Watremez, Brussels, -1922
- Hans Wetzlar, Amsterdam, c. 1943
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Beerstraten, Jan Abrahamsz.
(Dutch, 1622-1666)
Title: Rocky Coastal Landscape
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 86 x 100 cm
Inscriptions: Beerstrate
- Sale, Sotheby's (London), Old Master Paintings, 17 December 1998, lot 141
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Bemmel, Willem van
(Dutch, 1630-1708)
Title: Winter landscape/Winterlandschaft
Date: unknown
Medium: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 33 x 40 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Berckheyde, Gerrit Adriaensz.
(Dutch, 1638-1698)
Title: Italian Landscape
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 59 x 83.5 cm
- Sale, Arno Winterberg (Heidelberg), Dekorative Graphik; Landkarten; Stadtansichten; Kunst des 15. bis 20. Jahrhunderts, 11 October 2002, lot 200
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Bleker, Gerrit Claesz
(Dutch, 1592-1656)
Title: Women of Weinsberg
Date: 1624
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 59 x 71
Inscriptions: GBleker (lower centre)
- Sale, Rudolph Lepke (Berlin), March 1-2, 1904, lot 106
Exhitibions: unknown
Notes: unknown
Restituted: May 2018

Artist: Bray, Salomon de (Dutch, 1597-1664)
Current attribution: Jan Franse Verzijl (Dutch, 1603-1647)
Title: Young Man as Bacchus
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 62.5 x 48 cm
Inscriptions: Unknown
- Sale, Sotheby’s (London), Old Master Paintings, 8 April 1987, lot 189 (as “attributed to Salomon de Bray”)
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown
Restituted: February 2017

Artist: Brueghel I, Jan (Flemish, 1568-1625)
and Hendrik van Balen I (Flemish, 1575-1632)
Title: A Garland of Flowers Surrounding a Picture of Flora
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 74 x 55 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Sale, Paul Graupe (Berlin), Verschiedener Deutscher Kunstbesitz, 23-24 March 1936, lot 141b
- Sale, Christie, Manson & Woods (London), Ancient and Modern Pictures and Drawings, 19 December 1952, lot 102 (as “A Festoon of Flowers Surrounding a Picture of ‘Flora’”) F. Halliwell, -1966
- Sale, Sotheby & Co. (London), Old Master Paintings, 29 June 1966, lot 13
- Leger Galleries, London, 1966-
- F. Halliwell, -1966
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Brueghel I, Jan (Flemish, 1568-1625)
Title: Flower Piece
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 79 x 53.5 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Brueghel I, Jan (Flemish, 1568-1625)
Title: Still Life with Flowers
Date: unknown
Medium: oil on wood
Dimensions: 66 x 50 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Brueghel the Elder, Jan (Flemish, 1568-1625)
Title: Landschaft mit Fernsicht/Landscape with Distant View
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 35.3 x 50.5 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Acquired by the Galerie Stern from Julius Böhler, Munich, on August 18, 1936. See correspondence between the Galerie Stern and Julius Böhler, dated August 6, 1936; August 8, 1936; August 15, 1936; August 17, 1936; August 8, 1936; and August 24, 1936. July 21, 2017
Exhibitions: unknown
- The picture files at the RKD include a photograph of this painting with “F. Thyssen” written in pencil on the verso. Thyssen likely purchased the painting from the Galerie

Artist: Brueghel the Elder, Jan (Flemish, 1568-1625)
Title: Wooded Landscape withTravelers
Date: 1610
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 37 x 58 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine (1658-1716), Düsseldorf; by inheritance to his brother, Karl III Philipp, Elector Palatine (1661-1742), Düsseldorf, and from 1730, Mannheim; by inheritance to his nephew, Karl Theodore, Elector Palatine, and from 1777, Elector of Bavaria (1724-1799), Mannheim, and from 1777, Munich; by inheritance to his successor, Maximilian IV Joseph, Elector Palatine and Elector of Bavaria, and from 1806, King of Bavaria, as Maxililian I Joseph (1756-1825), Munich; by descent in the Bavarian Royal Collection, Munich, from 1822, and subsequestly the Königliche Pinakothek (Royal Pinakothek, later Alte Pinakothek, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen), Munich, by 1838; given, with another painting, 10 December 1935 to (Julius Böhler, Munich), in exchange for three Bernhard Strigel paintings; sold 11 January 1936 to (Galerie Stern, Düsseldorf); Max Stern (1904-1987), Düsseldorf; sold before September 1938 to Richard Friede (1883-1944), Bocholt, Germany, and from 1941, New york; by descent to his daughter, Ursula Friede Bamberger (1922-2019); Ursula and Gerald Bamberger, Silver Spring, Maryland; sold c. 1992 to (Otto Naumann Ltd., New York) in partnership with (Roman Herzig/ Galerie Sanct Lucas, Vienna); sold c. 1992 to (Bernheimer Fine Old Masters, Munich); sold 1995 to Marietta Vok (d. 2019) , near Villach, Austria: gift January 2018 to private collection, Italy; consigned March 2020 to (David Koetser Gallery, Zurich); purchased November 2020 by National Gallery of Art, Washington.
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown
Restituted: November 2020

Artist: Bruyn the Elder, Bartholomäus
(German, 1493-1555)
Title: Portrait of a Gentleman
Date: unknown
Medium: oil on wood
Dimensions: 32.5 x 23 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Coubillier, Friedrich (German, 1869-1953)
Title: unknown
Medium: bronze
Dimensions: unknown
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
- Located in the garden of the Galerie Stern on Königsallee until late 1937.
- Listed in “Ausstellungen der Woche,” Die Weltkunst, 14 November 1937: “Plastiken und Broncen von G.v. Bochmann, A. Breker, F. Coubillier, J. Hammerschmidt, J. Pallenberg, W.v. Ruemann, E. Wolff, W. Zügel.”
- Included on Selma Stern’s list of possessions from June 1938, as “Runenwerfer.”
- Photograph included in the Max Stern fonds (Box 19, File 4), National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives.

Artist: Croos, Catharina (Dutch, 1498-1574)
Title: Landscape with Farmhouses and Figure
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 47 x 66 cm
Inscriptions: Signed: "Catrina Kroos"
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Cuyp, Benjamin Gerritsz.
(Dutch, 1612-1652)
Title: Soldier Scene
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 71.5 x 102 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Douven, Jan Frans van
(Dutch, 1656-1727)
Title: Portrait of Karl III, King of Austria
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 76 x 59 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Ducq, Johan Le
(Dutch, 1629-1676/1677)
Title: Soldier’s Encampment
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on copper
Dimensions: 43 x 60 cm
Inscriptions: "J. Ducq"
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Duynen, Isaac van (Dutch, 1657-1681)
Title: Still Life with Lobster, Grapes, Fruit Bowl and Rose
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 43 x 60 cm
Inscriptions: Signed “van Duijnen 1651”
- Sale, Christie, Manson & Wood (London), Catalogue of Old Pictures, 17 March 1939, lot 115.
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Dyck, Anthonis van (Flemish, 1599-1641)
Title: The Crucifixion with Mary, Mary Magdalene, and St. Francis of Assisi
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 49.5 x 36 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Sale, J. & A. Le Roy, frères (Brussels),Tableaux anciens des ecoles Flamande et Hollandaise , 9-10 May 1882
- Arthur von Mumm, Frankfurt, -1934
- Sale, Hugo Helbing (Frankfurt), Alte Gemälde; Moderne Gemälde..., 31 May 1934, lot 104
- Sale, Kunsthaus Lempertz (Cologne), Alte Kunst , 14 November 1962, lot 36, repro.
Inscriptions: unknown
- One of three copies after Van Dyke’s altarpiece in Notre Dame Church, Dendermonde. The other two copies are in the collections of the Courtauld Institute Gallery, London and the Museo Civico, Cremona.

Artist: Erdmann, Otto
(German, 1834-1905)
Title: A Difficult Move
Date: 1876
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 69 x 56 cm
Inscriptions: Signed and dated lower left ‚O. Erdmann Df. (18)76‘
- Rhenish private collection
Exhbitions: unknown
Notes: unknown
Restituted: March 2021

Artist: Govaerts, Abraham
(Flemish, 1589-1626)
Title: Forest Landscape
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on copper
Dimensions: 44 x 65 cm
Inscriptions: verso: Das Zeichen von Peter Stas und das Datum 1609
- Sale, Kunsthaus Lempertz (Cologne), Alte Kunst, 14 June 1976, lot 88
- Kunsthandel Galerie Müllenmeister, Düsseldorf, by 1979
- Sale, Dorotheum (Vienna), Alte Meister, 4 March 1997, lot 51
- Sale, Dorotheum (Vienna), Alte Meister, 20 March 1999, lot 392.
Exhbitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Grimmer, Jacob (Flemish, 1525/1526-before 1590) or Abel Grimmer (Flemish, ca. 1570-1618 or 1619)
Title: Spring
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 43 x 60 cm
- Galerie Scheidwimmer, Munich
- Galerie St-Lucas, Vienna, 1957
- Private collection, Brussels.
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Haarlem II, Jan Vermeer van
(Dutch, 1628-1691)
Title: Wooded Landscape
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 84 x 120 cm
Inscriptions: signed: "J.v.d. Meer 1689" [1686?]
- Sale, Kunsthaus Lempertz (Cologne), Alte Kunst , 26 May 1971, lot 360
- Sale, Paul Brandt (Amsterdam), 30 May 1978, lot 68
- Sale, Paul Brandt (Amsterdam), 16 May 1983, lot 73
Exhbitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Heyden, Jan van der
(Dutch, 1637-1712)
Title: The Jesuit Church St. Andreas in Düsseldorf
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 51 x 64 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Jules Porgès, Paris
- Galerie Stern, Düsseldorf
- Acquired by Martha David in 1936
- With A. Arens, Brussels in 1941
- Baron de Brouwer, Belgium
- Sale, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Collection du Baron de Brouwer, Brussels, 607 October 1947, lot 73, plate XIX
- Belgian private collection until 1990
- Southern German collection
- Sale, Lempertz, Alte Kunst, Old Masters, Cologne, 20 November 2010, lot 1077
Exhbitions: Paris, Jeu de Paume, 1911
Notes: unknown

Artist: Huchtenberg, Jan van
(Dutch, 1647-1733)
Title: Encampment
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 51 x 44 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown