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The Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference is an academic conference that showcases graduate student research from across Canada and the Northeastern United States. Now in its 26th edition, this year's conference will be held on Friday, November 29th, 2024. As always, we are committed to our mission of giving students the opportunity to present their research in a friendly but formal academic environment, and generating ties between academia and industry.

Oral and poster presentations

All CBGRC presentations are judged by expert researchers, professors and industry representatives who are leaders in their fields. Graduate students can register to present their presentations in either English or French, as either an oral or poster presentation. Monetary awards are presented to the best oral and best poster presentations in their respective categories. Presentations are judged based on the quality of the research, presentation and communication skills.

The competition is open to all students presenting research in the following categories:

  • Analytical chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Molecular biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Computational chemistry
  • Nanochemistry
  • Chemistry education
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Material Engineering
  • Poster presentations

For pictures of past CBGRC events, come visit us on Facebook or Instagram 

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