Irish Diaspora news
Academic News
Call For Papers: CAIS 2025 - Boundaries, Borders, and Frontiers in Irish Studies
11-13 June 2025, St. Michael’s College and York University, Toronto
Deadline for proposals extended to 21 March 2025.
Boundaries, Borders, and Frontiers in Irish Studies is the theme for the Canadian Association for Irish Studies 2025 annual conference. Boundaries can be thought of in relation to the political, the historical, the artistic, the topographical, the cultural, the ecological, and so on. But even within these categories, boundaries exist at multiple scales: a national border is a political boundary, but so is a county border or even a property line. Boundaries can sometimes deny passage altogether, or they can invite imaginative forms of transgression. The notion of frontiers prompts consideration of more transitional and shifting entities.
Call For Papers: ISAANZ 27 | Health, Wellness and Care
Irish Studies Association of Australia and New Zealand (ISAANZ) Annual Conference
University of Otago / Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, Aotearoa / New Zealand
20-22 November 2025
As the emergency measures of the pandemic fade into memory, but the virus transitions into an endemic part of our medical landscape, we invite scholars and community members to use the vantage point of this new ecosystem – viral, social, political, economic, environmental – to consider what health, wellness and care mean for Ireland and Irish communities worldwide.
Deadline for Abstracts: 14 March 2025