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Irene Giannis

Irene Giannis


Research Interests

·      Goal Engagement & Adjustment

·      Self-Regulation Strategies

·      Purpose in life

·      Aging

·      Psychological & Physical Health


Educational Qualifications

September 2020 – Present

Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology – Research & Clinical Training Option)

Supervisor: Carsten Wrosch, Ph.D.

Concordia University, Montreal QC.


September 2018 – August 2020

Masters of Arts (Psychology – Research & Clinical Training Option)

Certificate of Clinical Psychology

Supervisor: Carsten Wrosch, Ph.D.

Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec


September 2014 – May 2018

Bachelor of Arts (Honours Psychology)

Graduated with Great Distinction

McGill University, Montreal, Quebec


PhD Dissertation

Older adulthood is characterized by an increase in uncontrollable stressors, including the onset and exacerbation of chronic illness, intractable life regret and persistent daily stressors. Irene’s PhD research focuses on how self-regulation strategies; more specifically within-person changes and between-person levels of goal engagement and goal adjustment can protect older adult’s psychological and physical well-being. She is also particularly interested in whether such control strategies might change in adaptive value across older adulthood (i.e., from early to advanced old age). Her first study examines such strategies in the context of chronic illness; her second on life regret, and her third on daily stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Outcome measures examined include psychological (depressive symptoms, satisfaction with day), physiological (i.e., cortisol regulation) and behavioural (i.e., sleep efficiency).


MA Thesis

Irene’s MA thesis examined the effect of within and between person variations purpose in life on older adults’ low-grade chronic inflammation, and whether such associations would be further qualified by age. Hierarchical linear models demonstrated that greater within-person levels of purpose in life predicted reduced inflammation in early old age but not in advanced old age. These findings suggest that within-person fluctuations in purpose may protect health-relevant physiological processes in early old-age but may become less effective in advanced old age.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Giannis, I., Wrosch C., Herriot, H., Gouin, JP. (2023). Within-person purpose in life and chronic low-grade inflammation across older adulthood. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1 (1), 1-26.

Selected Conference Presentations

2024 Giannis, I., & Wrosch, C (2024, May 23-16). Daily stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Goal adjustment as protective against declines in subjective well-being. [Poster Presentation]. Association for Psychological Science 33rd Annual Convention, San Francisco, California.

2024. Giannis, I & Wrosch,C (2024, March 22nd). Managing daily stress among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: Could self-regulation strategies protect psychological well-being? Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, Canada.

2023 Giannis, I., & Wrosch, C (2023, June 23-25). Goal adjustment protective against rise in depressive symptoms amongst early older adults. [Poster Presentation}. Canadian Association for Psychological Science, Toronto, ON, Canada.

2023 Giannis, I., & Wrosch, C (2023, March 9-12). Know when it’s time to let go: Goal adjustment as protective in advanced but not early old age. [Poster Presentation]. International Association for Psychological Science, Brussels, Belgium.

2022 Giannis, I., & Wrosch, C. (2022, May 26-29). The buffering effects of control strategies on depressive symptoms across older adulthood. [Poster Presentation]. Association for Psychological Science 32nd Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, United States.

2022 Giannis, I., & Wrosch, C. (2022, March 11). Age effects of goal engagement on depressive symptoms in early and advanced old age. [Poster Presentation]. Center for Research in Human Development Annual Conference, Montreal, QC.

2022 Di Nitto, S., Giannis, I., Wrosch, C. (2022, March 11). Socioeconomic differences in well-being: Could goal adjustment capacities have an impact? [Poster Presentation]. Center for Research in Human Development Annual Conference, Montreal, QC.

2021 Giannis, I., Brunet, V., Wrosch, C. (2021, May 26-27). Bi-directional associations between purpose in life, well-being, and sleep efficiency among caregivers of family members with mental illness. [Poster Presentation]. Association for Psychological Science 32nd Annual Convention, Virtual Presentation

2021 Giannis, I., Brunet, V., Wrosch, C. (2021, June 7-25). Purpose in life, well-being, and sleep efficiency among caregivers of family members with mental illness. [Poster Presentation]. The Canadian Psychological Association 82nd National Convention, Virtual Presentation.

2021 Brunet, V., Giannis, I., Wrosch, C. (2021, March 26). Caregiver burden and well-being among families dealing with mental illness: The buffering effects of purpose in life. [Poster Presentation]. Center for Research in Human Development Annual Conference, Montreal, QC.

2020 Giannis, I., Wrosch, C., Herriot, H., & Gouin J.P. (2020, August 27-29). Purpose in life and chronic low-grade inflammation across older adulthood. In S. Zilioli (Chair) Stress and inflammation: new perspectives on old issues [Symposium]. International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology 50th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, United States

2020 Giannis, I., Wrosch, C. (2020, May 28-31). Goal disengagement as a moderator in the relationship between within-person stress and well-being [Poster Presentation]. The Canadian Psychological Association 81st National Convention, Montreal, Quebec. (Conference Cancelled due to pandemic)


Honours and awards

  • 2022-2026, Fonds De Recherche de Quebec Societe et Culture (FRQSC; 80,000)
  • 2019–2021 Master’s Training Award, Fonds de Recherche du Québec Santé (FRQS; $35,000)
  • 2019 First place winner for the Master’s Poster Competition, Center for Research Development Annual Conference
  • 2018–2019 Canada Graduate Scholarships- Master’s Program, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC; $17,500)
  • 2018–2019 Dean of Arts and Science Award of Excellence Award, Concordia University ($2,500)
  • 2018–2019 Concordia University Special Entrance Award, Concordia University ($6,000)

Teaching Experience

2024- Course Instructor— PSYC 434 -- Psychology of Aging

2019-2024 Mentorship of 5 Undergraduate Honours Students

2019-2024 Teaching Assistantships – including: Honours Seminar (PSYC 490); Research Methods II (PSYC 311); Science Communication (PSYC 491)



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