‘Together we can do it.’
I’m proud to be part of the Campaign for Concordia: Next-Gen. Now to promote our university’s research, teaching and learning initiatives that matter today and are changing tomorrow.
Concordia has grown over the years. Today, it plays a pivotal role in the landscape of Montreal, Quebec, Canada and the world.
It falls upon next-generation universities such as Concordia to educate students — future talent that is needed to respond to our ever-changing world.
We are campaigning for what is next in the initiatives our society needs to face major changes and disruptions to how we work, learn and think.
The success of the Campaign for Concordia will depend on you — our donors, friends and advocates.
We need ambassadors and champions to support the next generation of change-makers.
I look forward to partnering with you on this historical initiative that will help set the course for Concordia’s future.
Together we can do it.

Andrew Molson
Co-chair, The Campaign for Concordia