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Running in Spirit - Online

Moving together to increase resilience and build joy

Date & time
Monday, March 27, 2023
12 p.m. – 1 p.m.

Registration is closed

Other dates

Monday, March 6, 2023
Monday, March 13, 2023
Monday, March 20, 2023


This event is free.


Zen Dens



Brave the winter & get your vitamin D! Walk, jog, or sprint with us and join us for movement at your own pace.

Led by Concordia wellness counsellor Dr. Jade-Isis Lefebvre, this is an online movement club focused on wellness rather than performance. There will be an optional opportunity to connect online at the beginning and end of each session to meet all of those who are joining for the day. In these meetings, we connect, share a bit about how we are doing, discuss evidence-based tools, and practice a short mindfulness exercise to kickstart our run. After a 20-30 minute movement practice, we have an optional check out to discuss how our movement impacted our emotional, mental, physical, and our spirits. 

Facilitator: Jade-Isis Lefebvre, Psychologist, Wellness Counsellor and Yoga Teacher

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