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Workshops & seminars

Cultivating Collegial Spaces Workshop (SGW)

Date & time
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Registration is closed

Other dates

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Mark Villacorta, Senior Equity Advisor and Dona Nham, Senior Advisor on Anti-Racism


This event is free.


Equity Office



Relationships with faculty colleagues are valuable and often a source of satisfaction and sense of connection in the academy.

These relationships can further extend our impact and enhance departmental reputations and that of the university as a whole. Occasionally, these relationships are tested in minor and major ways with the potential for significant consequences both professionally and personally.

In this session we will engage in open dialogue with the intention of deepening skills to manage relationships specifically with faculty colleagues. We will identify behaviours in the academic context, interpersonal and systemic, that are damaging to collegial spaces as well as some ways forward. Using scenarios, we will explore a range of approaches which contribute to a healthy work environment.

Please note  that session occurrence is dependent on registration numbers and that there is limited capacity.


The workshop will take place on the Sir George Williams Campus, exact location to be sent to registered participants prior to the date.

This event is part of:

Cultivating Collegial Spaces Workshops

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