Rachel Zellars
Visiting scholar, 2018-2019

Rachel Zellars is a Black Studies Consultant for Concordia University Black Studies Initiative (CUBC) and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture (CISSC), as well as a former visiting scholar in the CISSC.
Rachel Zellars is an interdisciplinary scholar whose work focuses on slavery and Black migration to and through the Maritimes beginning with the American Revolution, gender, and the relationship between disability/neurodiversity and anti-blackness. She completed her bachelors in philosophy at Howard University, holds a masters degree from Cornell University, and a PhD in education from McGill University. She is also a lawyer. Recently, she completed a two year postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Vermont, where she studied with historian Harvey A. Whitfield. She is also a regular contributor to Black Perspectives, the award winning online blog of the African American Intellectual Historical Society.