Courtney Blamey
Thesis supervisor: Mia Consalvo

Thesis title: Taking it Seriously: Bridging the Gap Between Player-Developer Understandings of Value-Driven Design in Games
Courtney Blamey is a PhD Candidate and game designer at Concordia University in the Department of Communication Studies. Her doctoral research concentrates on the process of meaning-making in games tackling serious themes and exploring this relationship between player and designer in her own critical game design process. Her previous research unpacked Blizzard’s approach to community moderation in Overwatch by investigating both developer and community inputs on forums. She is a member of the mLab, a space dedicated to developing innovative methods for studying games and game players and TAG (Technoculture Arts and Games).
Refereed Publications
- Iantorno et. al,. (2021) “All in a Day’s Work: Working-Class Heroes as Videogame Protagonists.” Class in/and the Media, special issue of Nordicom Review 42 (3).
- Blamey (2022) “One Tricks, Hero Picks, and Player Politics: Highlighting the Casual-Competitive Divide in the Overwatch Forums” in Karhulahti, V-M., Ruotsalainen, M., and Törhönen, M. (eds.) Overwatch: Modes of Engagement.
- DeJong, S. and Blamey, C. (2022) Top Shelf Drinks, Bottom Line Play: Examining Representations of Class in Bartending and Mixology Games. Games and Culture, 0(0).
Non-Refereed Publications
- Blamey, C. (2021) ""Codemasters"", “Cuphead”, and ""video game movies"" in JP Wolf, M (ed.) Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara, CA.
- Lajeunesse, M & Blamey, C. (2022) ""Lost Ark and the Impression of Korean Games from the Western Perspective"". GameGeneration, April 2022"