Guillaume Jabbour
Thesis supervisor: Owen Chapman

Guillaume Jabbour centers his practice around sound, research-creation and community engagement. He recently completed a master’s degree in Media Studies and is now pursuing his PhD in Communication Studies.
Jabbour’s research explores soundwalking and deep listening practices as means of fostering intergenerational and community connections. As a musician and community sound artist, he regularly facilitates workshops with older adults and youth, exploring the beauty and power of sound.
He is a student affiliate at the Center for Oral History and Digital Storytelling (COHDS), the Center for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP), and the Ageing + Community + Technology Lab (ACT).
Thesis title: Delayed Return: An Ethnography of Music and Sound among Diasporic Palestinians
Jabbour, G. (2024). Avoca Bridge Stories (audio exhibit at Centre d’art d’Argenteuil)
Osana, H., Carliner, S., Jabbour, G. & Desrosiers, C. (2010). 'Rithmetic and readiness: Exploring meaningful professional development for three elementary mathematics teachers. Journal of applied research on learning.
Osana, H., Lacroix, G., Tucker, B., Idan, E. & Jabbour, G. (2007). The impact of print exposure quality and inference construction on syllogistic reasoning. Journal of educational psychology. 99: 888-902.
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