Scott DeJong
Thesis supervisor: Mia Consalvo

Thesis title: Media Literacy or Networked Manipulation? The Dual Sides of Disinformation Play
Scott DeJong is a PhD candidate in Communication studies at Concordia University studying educational game design, play, and disinformation. His past work, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, constructed games on issues of digital literacy and older adult mistreatment. Currently, his FRQSC dissertation is studying how games and play relate to disinformation practices and critical thinking skills. His work connects creative practice with research to improve media literacy approaches, as witnessed in his research boardgame Lizards and Lies. In his free time, Scott co-produces a podcast speaking with scholars and practitioners on the role and design of humour in games. He is an active member of the Ageing, Communication and Technologies (ACT) lab, the TAG (technoculture, Arts and Games) Lab, the research grant Scaling liveness in Participatory experiences, the Algorithmic Media Observatory, and the mLab.
Publications, writing and/or artwork:
- DeJong, S. (2023). Playing With Fake News: State Of Fake News Video Games: The International Journal of Games and Social Impact, 1(1).
- DeJong, S. & Blamey, C. (2022). Top Shelf Drinks, Bottom Line Play: Examining Representations of Class in Bartending and Mixology Games. Games and Culture.
- DeJong, S., & Souza, A. B. de M. (2022). Playing Conspiracy: Framing Conspiracy Theory Analogies within Research-Creation Board Game Design. M/C Journal, 25(1), Article 1.
- McKelvey, F., DeJong, S., Kowalchuck, S., & Donovan, E. (2022). Is the Alt-Right Popular in Canada? Image Sharing, Popular Culture, and Social Media. Canadian Journal of Communication, 47(4), 702–729.
- DeJong, S. (2020). “Generational Controls: Designing and implementing a serious intergenerational escape game that analogizes data personalization, filter bubbles and echo chambers”. Concordia University, Communications. Montreal
Social media links:
Blog: Strategem