Christopher Dagher

Christopher Dagher is a graduate of the Master of Arts program in Theological Studies at Concordia University from where he also obtained his Bachelor of Science (Specialization) in Biochemistry. Under the supervision of Dr. André Gagné, his thesis research was a comparative study focusing on two Christian denominations, Roman Catholics and Evangelical Baptists, where he compared their respective eschatological perspectives. Specifically, he studied these groups' perennial end times doctrines along with recent statistics reflecting the modern Evangelical/Catholic perspectives of American Christians.
Christopher has been involved in numerous activities beyond the graduate program including competing in the 3MT (3-minute thesis) and representing the department as a recruiter/speaker in different English-speaking colleges, among other things. He also has a diverse academic background which includes post-graduate business certificates from McGill University and other microprograms from Concordia University. He will be commencing his doctoral studies on the Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body at the University of Montreal in the Fall of 2024.