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Student profile

Kristina Parzen

Kristina Parzen is a doctoral student in the Department of Art History at Concordia University in Montreal. Her dissertation research examines the history and structure of anthropomorphic maps produced in Europe since the 14th century. She completed her MA in Art History and Theory at the University of British Columbia and her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of Saskatchewan. She has presented work at the annual national conference of the Universities Art Assocation of Canada/L’Association D’Art des Universites du Canada (UAAC/AAUC) and the annual international conference of the Council for European Studies. Her research is currently funded by a Canada Graduate Doctoral Scholarship provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Thesis Title: Anthropomorphic Maps: Representing and Constructing the Character of Space

Supervisor: Dr. Kristina Huneault

Research Interests:

  • The intersection of art and science
  • Print history
  • The visual history of cartography
  • Anthropomorphic maps

Teaching Assistantships

  • ARTH 300: Methods in Art History, Dr. Julia Skelly (instructor), Jan-May 2022
  • ARTH 200: Perspectives of Art History, Dr. Steven Stowell and Dr. Marco Deyasi (instructors), Sep 2021-May 2022

Research Assistantships

  • Graduate Research Assistant, Dr. Annie Gérin (supervising professor), Jan-Mar 2022



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