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Alumnus/Alumna profile

Weixian Pan

Weixian Pan, Assistant Professor, Department of Film and Media, Queen's University

Weixian Pan is Assistant Professor in the Department of Film and Media at Queen’s University. She holds a PhD in Film and Moving Image Studies from Concordia University, Montreal. Before joining Queen’s University, she was Assistant Professor of Interactive Media Arts at NYU Shanghai from 2019-2023. Her research interests center on the politics of visuality, critical media infrastructure, and environmental media. Her current book project, Frontier Vision: The Geopolitics of Seeing China’s Borderlands, examines how China’s geopolitical aspirations have been hyper-mediated and entangled with the logic of frontier-making between the mid-twentieth century and the present. This book project was also supported by the Luce/ACLS Early Career Fellowships in China Studies (2024-2025) from the American Council of Learned Societies.

Her work appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as Television and New Media, Culture Machine, Asiascape: Digital Asia, Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, and Journal of Environmental Media. In the past, she has led curatorial projects such as “Elemental Relations: Thinking Ecologically through Artist Film and Video” (2021) and co-organizes workshops such as “Strata of the Asia Pacific: Mediating the Geologic and Aquatic Environment” that fosters interdisciplinary conversations across scholars and artists.

Recent publication:

  • “Energy and Media,” Special Journal Issue co-edit with Yandong Li (University of Washington). Journal of Chinese Cinema, forthcoming Fall 2025.

  • “Crash Landing on the Philippines: Transnational Korean Dramas and Internet Infrastructure Desires.” Television and New Media, 2024.
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