Rebecca Holt
Rebecca Holt is a PhD student in Film and Moving Image Studies. She previously completed a Masters in Film Studies at Concordia University, where she worked on Pornhub’s use of data visualization. In her doctoral research, Rebecca expands on her previous work by interrogating how online pornography reinscribes the body into data, and is part of a larger project of resituating contemporary tube sites within a longer history of sexual interfaces. Rebecca is a researcher in the Global Emergent Media Lab, where she conducted archival field research in Sicily as part of the lab’s Summer Institute in 2017. She is also a member of the Synoptique editorial board, and vice-president of the Film Doctoral Student Association (FDSA).

Concordia Merit Scholarship, 2017-8.
Faculty of Fine Arts Fellowship, 2017-20.
Mel Hoppenheim Graduate Film Studies Award, Concordia University, 2016.
Supervisor: Dr. Joshua Neves
Thesis title: The Pornographic Interface: A Media Genealogy of Pornhub
Research Interest and Awards:
- Internet pornography
- history of sex toys
- data
- visual studies
- affect and embodiment
Teaching/ TAships:
- Fall 2015: FMST 312 Moving Camera Aesthetics
- Fall 2015: FMST 214 English Canadian Film
- Winter 2016: FMST 312 History of Film Since 1959
- Fall 2016: FMST 212 Film Aesthetics
- Winter 2017: FMST 392 Queer Cinema I
- Fall 2017: FMST 216 Methods in Film Studies
- Fall-Winter 2017-8: FFAR 250