Carols Wilson
Mental Health Clinician, Stella’s Place in Toronto, Ontario
1. How are you applying your degree in drama therapy from Concordia?
The improvisation and role skills gained from the program enhance my flexibility and adaptability to work in responsive and innovative ways. Whether practicing drama therapy, talk-based counselling, workshop facilitation, or providing clinical supervision, my training at Concordia has informed and strengthened my work. It has helped me bring something unique to collaborations with multidisciplinary mental health teams.
2. What do you value most from your Concordia drama therapy experience?
The experiential learning was key to my understanding of drama therapy and the therapeutic process. I felt an incredible sense of support from the faculty and the other students. This learning experience truly changed my life for the better.
3. What advice would you give to someone considering drama therapy?
Go for it! Drama therapy is an exceptionally powerful form of clinical work and it has many applications. I feel honoured to facilitate and share this wonderful way of healing with others. The feedback I receive affirms the power this form of psychotherapy holds in order to touch people and help them move forward.