Super Cane Capstone Project
Capstone SDG Impact Award Finalist
Project members
- Hugo Choquette
- Francis Donoso
- Kevin Grenier
- Akbar Hassan
- Ryan Messervey
- Rimoun Zakhour
Related Sustainable Development Goals
- Goal 3: Good health and well-being
- Goal 11: Sustainable cities nad communities
About the project
Our Capstone aims to provide a working prototype of an improved cane for the visually impaired. The cane enhances the navigational capabilities of the visually impaired, increases the range at which they can gather information and can guide them to specific addresses imputed. The product gives relays a visual input up to 8 meters away by utilizing a haptic feedback. The capstone was conceptualized in a competitive market where smartcane products already exist. Using the ELSEE research done by the team, we’ve implemented non-technical considerations into the design at every step. We’ve also done market research and created a business plan to maximize the chances of success. The design is also made to not only be better performing, but also cheaper than any other smart cane on the market. The research we have done has led us to consider different avenues of revenue not limited to visually impaired users but also government rehabilitation facilities and retailers. Furthermore, research into RAMQ coverage policies informed design decisions for our product to ensure accessibility for as many visually impaired people as possible.