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Student profile

Dante Sabini

Dean's List Award Winner — Building engineering

About Dante

Dante is a recent graduate of the Building Engineering undergraduate program. He is interested in the development of green architecture and committed to playing a role in helping shape a green future through the development of new technologies and energy conservation practices. Furthermore, optimal performance of building systems is a key interest of his, including HVAC and acoustics.


  • Normand D. Hébert Entrance Scholarship, awarded to engineering students with top entering grades
  • Chait Medal, awarded to the highest-ranking student graduating with the degree of Bachelor in Engineering
  • Building Engineering Medal, awarded to the most outstanding graduating student in Building Engineering


  • Hydro Québec, Building Engineer (Summer 2023)

His study tip

Spread out your studying over longer intervals of time. It is much more effective and meaningful to chip away at a large amount of material, piece by piece, rather than all at once. You will have an easier time digesting the crucial and often difficult information that you are trying to learn. By starting early, you are giving yourself enough time to make mistakes and learn from them.

His best experience at Concordia

The best experience I had while studying at Concordia was definitely the Building Engineering Capstone project, despite how difficult and stressful it could be at times. In my view, open-ended problems are the most difficult because there is no singular “right answer”. This factor forced my team and I to work together and be creative when designing our building. This is also where I got to show off all of the things that I had learned over the course of my degree. I also got to learn how to manage and work alongside a team of people for a long-term project, while also developing my presentation skills, which will be crucial to my career.

His favorite part of the program

The favourite part of my program was learning about the many sub-systems that compose a building. Everything from HVAC, to building envelope, to acoustics and lighting, and more. The multi-disciplinary aspect of the program always ensured that the course material was fresh and interesting. From a sustainability standpoint, the optimization of their performance is very important for our future as they can have a direct impact on the energy consumption of a building and occupant comfort.

His next big goal

My next big goal is to enter the workforce and secure a job in a field that aligns with my interests and skills. I am particularly drawn to engineering consulting in HVAC, building systems commissioning, energy management, and construction project management. While I am still exploring the specifics of my career path, I am enthusiastic about the opportunities in these areas. I am eager to contribute my knowledge to impactful projects while continuing to learn new things long after the completion of my degree.

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