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Conferences & lectures

Communicating science in the age of misinformation

Date & time
Thursday, March 6, 2025 (all day)

This event is free




Serena Bianchi


Loyola Jesuit Hall and Conference Centre
7141 Sherbrooke W.

Accessible location


Never have we been exposed to so much information and yet been so misinformed!

Join us on this full-day of talks where we will tackle science communication and how to make your voice stand out in a sea of misinformation. This event is open to all. Whether you are a student (undergraduate / graduate), post-doc, or faculty member, we’d love to see you.

Event schedule

9:00 – Sign-in and light refreshments

9:30 – Welcome & opening remarks (Theresa Bianco, PhD & Serena Bianchi, PhD) Science Communication Quiz (with prizes!)

10:00 – KEYNOTE 1: Generative AI in Science Communication Lucas Kavanagh, MSc, Co-founder & Content Director, Avo Media
Talk title: The utility, ethics, and risks of generative AI in science communication

11:00 – Panel: Meet the Science Communicators (Mod. Serena Bianchi, PhD).
Panelists: Jonathan Jarry, MSc, Science Communicator, McGill University's Office
for Science and Society, Ive Velikova, MS Com, Science Communicator, Freelance
Matteo Farinella, PhD, Scientific Multimedia Producer, Columbia University


1:30 – WORKSHOP: Communicating Science Through Humour
Jayson San Miguel, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Psychology Dept. Concordia

2:30 – KEYNOTE 2: Combatting Mental Health Misinformation
Jonathan Stea, PhD, R.Psych, Clinical Psychologist, Adjunct Assistant Professor,
University of Calgary
Talk title: Combatting mental health misinformation

3:30 – Panel discussion – Misinformation in the Media (Mod. Theresa Bianco, PhD) Panelists: Jonathan Stea, PhD, Lucie Laumonier, PhD, Asst. Professor, Journalism, Concordia, Florent Michelot, PhD, Education, Concordia, Taylor Kann, PhD Cand. INDI - Journalism, Concordia

4:30 – Closing remarks


The event will be hybrid: in person (RF building, Concordia Loyola Campus) and on Zoom.

If you are planning to attend in person, please indicate so in this form, as spaces are limited.

To attend remotely, you may join the meeting here (no registration required).

Questions? Email


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