What grows when we reimagine our communities and organizations as spaces for human flourishing and belonging?
connection | dialogue | co-creation
Learn about, and leverage, the Art of Hostingas a practice and a set of tools to lead, engage and convene groups in service of human flourishing in our organizations and communities.
Connect with others who are passionate about reimagining our work places and our communities as spaces for human flourishing.
Unlock new possibilities by bringing your questions, your challenges, your projects to a collective field of practice.
Are you interested in:
Developing organizations where people thrive, discover their gifts, and achieve their full potential?
Building healthy, inclusive and just communities where all can find meaning and experience true belonging?
Designing training spaces that equip others with the skills and capacities needed to create conditions for human flourishing in our work and life?
Facilitating engaging processes where all can contribute their diverse perspectives towards wiser collective actions?
Strengthening your capacity to navigate existing and emerging paths towards meaningful systems change?
Enhancing your capacity to lead organizations and communities as they innovate their way through complex challenges?
Connecting with fellow innovators and systems change practitioners.
Together we will learn, experience and practice:
Participatory dialogue methods that help tap into the collective intelligence of groups such as World Cafe, Circle, Open Space and Proaction Cafe.
Tools for working with equity, difference and diversity while holding a participatory lens on leadership and collaboration.
Personal leadership practices for increased self and situational awareness, clarity, and alignment.
Theory and practice of working with complex challenges.
Standard: Reflects the true cost of participation.
Reduced: For those who could not attend at the standard price.
Student: Exclusively for full-time students.
We believe in making this training as inclusive as possible, ensuring a diverse range of participants can benefit. To support accessibility, we are offering three pricing tiers and encourage you to reflect on your financial circumstances when selecting the option that best aligns with your ability to contribute. For guidance, we recommend referring to Alex J. Cunning’s blog post, The Sliding Scale: A Tool of Economic Justice, which provides helpful context for selecting your level of investment.
What's included?
Light breakfast, lunch & refreshments on site
Three days of training and conversations with fellow practitioners and innovators in the realms of organization and community development
An Art of Hosting Practice Guide
Access to the Art of Hosting global Community of practice
New connections!
Your Hosts
The Land
Our first and primary host is always the land. This gathering will be taking place on the beautiful and unceded territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation. Historically, Tiohtià:ke/Montréal has been a cherished meeting place where First Nations have gathered in relationship with these lands for generations, long before the present day. In the squirrels, the trees, the community garden at Concordia University's Loyola Campus we are reminded of our deep connection to each other in nature.
Cedric Jamet
Cédric (he / him) joyfully teaches Human System Intervention at Concordia University, building capacities of change practitioners. He weaves his 10+ years experience in the innovation sector, leveraging dialogue and complexity-based approaches to help teams, organizations and communities as they invent new ways to think, do and live together. A seasoned Art of Hosting practitioner, Cédric is thoughtful in all his work, be it with Indigenous communities or emerging non-profits.
Jennifer Williams
Jennifer (she/her) is a community-minded and forward-thinking educator and facilitator. She is passionate about helping people uncover passions, build confidence, and explore what it means to be human. A formally trained teacher, Jennifer has spent the past 15 years working beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom on tall ships, leading youth polar expeditions and running other experiential learning programs typically connected to environmental education, leadership training and social emotional learning. Jennifer believes in the possibilities that live within the Art of hosting practices to reimagine how we engage with our education systems.
Ohontsakéhte Montour
A proud Kahnawakehró:non, Ohontsakéhte Montour is a Cultural Development Manager at the Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center and the chair of the Kahnawà:ke Collective Impact’s Language and Culture Mentorship Action Team. He is a passionate advocate for the preservation and growth of Kanien’kehá:ka language and ways of being. Whether it is in helping build stronger community initiatives, co-creating mentorship programs to make space for the people of Kahnawà:ke to learn and live in their culture; or representing his community in global climate change conferences, Ohontsakéhte embodies the principles of participatory and inclusive leadership in all the organizations or dialogue spaces he is invited in. In past years, Ohontsakéhte has been leveraging the principles and practices of the Art of Hosting in strategic conversations to support the long term flourishing of Kanien’kehá:ka culture for all.
Rehana Tejpar
Rehana Tejpar M. ED is a facilitator, trainer, mediator and coach with 20 years of experience designing transformative learning programs for leaders, with a focus on social justice, equity and sustainable change. Born into an intercultural home of immigrants from an East-African Indian Muslim father and a Uruguayan mother, she is passionate about creating conditions for multiple perspectives to co-exist in equitable and inclusive conditions, creating restorative conflict cultures, shared leadership, and using innovative processes for personal, interpersonal, and systems change.
She has a Master's in Education from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education in Sociology and Equity Studies in Education. She is a trained mediator in Dialogue for Peaceful Change and a practitioner of the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter, Non-Violent Communication and Social Presencing Theatre. She is a dancer, a clown student and a lover of play living with her partner and daughter in Montreal.
Annick Davignon
Annick grew up on Quebec's North Shore (Côte-Nord). Her background blends international development work, community service, and the playful, transformative art of social clowning. This diverse experience has ignited a passion for creating dynamic learning spaces that foster creativity, spark innovation, and nurture deep, meaningful connections. She is fascinated by the intricate interplay of systems, how they influence one another, and how we can work within them to create positive change. A firm believer in the power of imagination, she sees it as the driving force behind shaping both our present reality and the future we aspire to create. As a lecturer at Concordia University, she is actively exploring ways to empower students to unlock their full potential to contribute to a more vibrant learning community within the higher education system. Annick is driven by a desire to make a positive impact and leave the world a little brighter than she found it.
Concordia University Loyola Campus
This event will take place on the unceded territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation, a historic gathering place where First Nations have nurtured deep relationships with the land for countless generations.
Loyola Jesuit Hall and Conference Centre
Art of Hosting will take place in the Loyola Jesuit Hall and Conference Centre, a warm and inviting venue. Its blend of modern and traditional design—blonde wood floors, dark wood accents, and a cozy fireplace—creates a welcoming atmosphere. Surrounded by the natural beauty of Loyola Campus, this space invites us to connect with the land, one another, and the purpose of our gathering.
What to expect
Concordia's Loyola Campus is easily accessible by various modes of public transportation, and on-site parking is available for $7 per day. Additionally, free parking can be found on nearby residential streets.
We’re pleased to provide a light breakfast, lunch, and refreshments during the event, with accommodations made for dietary restrictions.
While accommodation is not included, we’ve curated a list of recommended options for those traveling from out of town. Please refer to the following link for details.
As we plan to spend some time outdoors, and the weather can be unpredictable at this time of year, we kindly suggest bringing suitable clothing and layers to ensure your comfort.