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Science Journalism Workshop Series: Podcasting (Virtual)

How to Convey Good Science Journalism in an Audio Medium

Date & time
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Jonathan Jarry, Christopher Labos


This event is free.


Emily Palmer



The Body of Evidence, a podcast hosted by Jonathan Jarry and Christopher Labos, has covered what we know about health and medicine with an eye toward rigour and plausibility for nearly a decade. During this virtual, intimate, interactive workshop, co-hosts Jarry and Labos will explain the different podcasting formats that science communicators can use, share tips on interviewing experts, and reveal ways to improve the quality of a science podcast. They will also go over their process on how to judge if a study is reliable enough to be shared with the public.

The event is free, but registration is required as spots are limited.

Reserve by emailing:

Registered participants will receive a Zoom link the day before the event.

This workshop is part of a series organized for Projected Futures, an international graduate science journalism summer school. It will run this year from July 31 to August 4. Apply now.


About the speakers

Dr. Christopher Labos completed his cardiology residency at McGill University where he served as chief resident and then completed a master’s degree in epidemiology. He is a columnist with the Montreal Gazette, is featured on the Sunday Morning House Call on CJAD radio, and has a regular TV segment with CTV Montreal and CBC Morning Live. 

Jonathan Jarry is a science communicator with the McGill Office for Science and Society, dedicated to separating sense from nonsense on the scientific stage. He has a Master’s degree in molecular biology and he brings his experience in cancer research, human genetics, rehabilitation research, and forensic biology to the work he does for the public.


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