Join us to hear community voices on housing justice struggles in Montreal.
This event is hosted by Stefan Christoff.
This event will explore the realities of the housing crisis facing Montreal today and hear voices from community networks who are struggling for housing justice. This panel will lift up both voices in the arts speaking out about housing rights and also work taking place to create alternative institutions that challenge housing as a commodity.
Vegan food and drinks will be served.
Faiz Abhuani, Founder and director at Brique par brique
Fenton (zLadybug) Benjamin, Poet and Montreal resident struggling to find stable housing
Hubert Gendron-Blais, Réverbérations d’une crise : une enquête sonore sur le logement à Montréal
Stefan Christoff, Media maker, community activist, and artist.
About the speakers
Fenton (zLadybug) Benjamin: “I am an English as a first language person from the West Indies who migrated to Montréal, Quebec in 1995. I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2008 and have often had disputes with my landlords infringing on my rental rights.” Fenton is a long time contributor to CKUT 90.3 FM.
Faiz Abhuani: Through his civic involvement, Faiz seeks to fuel creative energy in the diverse communities that inspire him. He is the founder of Brique par Brique and works tirelessly to promote access to housing and to address the challenges and opportunities related to the decommodification of the city for its residents and their communities.
Hubert Gendron-Blais: Artist and community organizer. Hubert worked within the FRAPRU housing justice network, particularly at Association des locataires de Villeray. In the last couple of years Hubert coordinated the Réverbérations d’une crise : une enquête sonore sur le logement à Montréal project that fused journalism, community organizing and sound art around the housing crisis.
Stefan Christoff is a research assistant at Concordia's Social Justice Centre and a graduate student in History. He is a long-time a media maker, community activist, and artist. Stefan hosts Free City Radio, broadcasting weekly on CKUT 90.3FM
This panel takes place in collaboration with CKUT 90.3 FM.