Software engineering (SE) is a knowledge-intensive process that involves the management of SE development knowledge, including mining, structuring, and analyzing. The attention given to this aspect has been substantial. Software development knowledge encompasses a wide range of information throughout the entire development life cycle. However, SE development knowledge is dispersed across various formal and informal software artifacts, such as requirement documents, architecture documents, and Wikis. Among these artifacts, non-functional concerns, specifically Quality Attributes (QA), such as security, play a crucial role in influencing the entire system. Software systems typically incorporate multiple QAs, and design decisions are made to fulfil their requirements. Most approaches and methods handle QAs separately from the functional requirements of a system, and the integration of QAs usually occurs later in the software development process. This talk aims to address a significant open question: what development knowledge (especially software QA knowledge) practitioners are concerned about and frequently discuss in their projects, and what potential solutions exist to address these concerns.
Dr. Tingting Bi is a research scientist at Data61, CSIRO, Australia. She obtained her PhD degree from Monash University in 2022 under the supervision of Prof. John Grundy, A/prof. Aldeida Aleti, and Dr. Xin Xia. Tingting's research interests revolve around software architecture, knowledge engineering, and responsible AI. She is particularly fascinated by knowledge-based engineering and how human knowledge aids in eliciting requirements, designing, and implementing systems.