HANDBOOK: Supporting Queer and Trans Students in Art and Design Education
Using student-centered discussion and methods from HANDBOOK: Supporting Queer and Trans Students in Art and Design Education, this session will create an open-source critique tool. This collaborative conversation will draw from Anthea’s work on HANDBOOK as a jumping off point for a Concordia-specific conversation. Together we will discuss artist publishing and anti-oppressive arts education tools that can inform and re-envision critiques. The goal for CRIT IT! is to develop a series of critique possibilities to be produced as an open-source poster for art, craft, and design studios at Concordia and beyond, with distribution in digital and print formats.
This session welcomes all students who has an interest in critique culture at Concordia who want to re-write the standard practices of critiques and develop a collaborative tool for more equitable critique structures. Students who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, and/or LGBTQIA2S+ are warmly welcome!
Faculty and staff are also welcomed and are asked to play a listening role in this student-centered space.