A still from Añoz Luz (Manuel Abramovich, 2017), a documentary on Martels creative filmmaking process on the set of her film Zama (2017)
Rosanna Maule (Concordia University), Julie Ravary-Pilon (Université de Montreal) and Bruno Dequen (editor-in-chief at 24 iMages) will discuss the work of Argentinian filmmaker Lucrecia Martel.
With only four feature films completed since her acclaimed début film La ciénaga (The Swamp, 2001) and including La niña santa (The Holy Girl, 2004), La mujer sin cabeza (The Headless Woman, 2008), and the more recent Zama (2017), Lucrecia Martel is simultaneously the most representative and the most atypical figure of New Argentine Cinema. Considered one of the most talented filmmakers of Latin America, she has built a reputation as an original auteur in the film festival circuit. Martel’s body of films offers a subtle critique of contemporary and colonial Argentina, drawing less on explicitly political themes or narratives than on a physical and sensorial approaches to cultural identity, class and social difference, and gender politics.
The participants in this roundtable will examine Martel’s work within the framework of Latin American cinema, contemporary auteur cinema, world women’s cinema, film aesthetics and philosophy.
This event concludes the retrospective on Lucrecia Martel’s cinema organized by Cinéma Public in partnership with Concordia University and the Consulate of Argentina in Montreal.