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Workshops & seminars

Wearable Memory Pt. 1

Date & time
Thursday, April 27, 2023
3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Other dates

Monday, May 8, 2023


Kelly Norah Drukker


This event is free.

Accessible location


Drawing from the research and experiences of my own project, as well as previous creative writing workshops I have facilitated, this workshop will introduce participants to the work of artists and theorists who focus on material objects as bearers of memory and meaning. Participants will be asked to bring a significant wearable from their home, and led in a series of exercises intended to prompt discussion and the formation of personal narrative around the item: how do personal objects lend insight into one's own life story? How does an object's meaning change over time? This will be the first of two connected workshops intended to encourage thinking through both text and textile, and prompt discussion between the humanities and fine arts.

This workshop will be held in the Textiles and Materiality Cluster commons.

Artist bio

Kelly Norah Drukker is an award-winning poet and non-fiction writer, currently pursuing her PhD in interdisciplinary Humanities at Concordia. She has taught in Canada, the UK, Ireland, Switzerland, and France, and facilitated many creative writing and discussion workshops that engage participants in interdisciplinary conversations that link creative writing and oral history with material culture and making.

Note: Please bring a wearable (item of clothing or textile accessory) to participate in this workshop!

This workshop continues on Monday, May 8 with a focus on memory.

This event is part of:

Home/Making Project

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