In this workshop, participants will engage in urban environmental sampling (water, soil, air etc.) and will be introduced to the TeleAgriCulture platform.
Based on previous and novel projects, as well as case studies that aim to engage creatives, farmers, cooks, and the general public in food, urban, and post-industrial ecologies, the workshop will offer an overview of how the digital sensor systems operate and are modified, along with other peripheral sampling methods.
Participants will be introduced to the system technics and its data flows, from sensor/sample to server, to creative outputs, along with being introduced to an ideation and rapid-prototyping method for using the platform. Participants will then break into transdisciplinary teams and, using available samples, develop a project concept that uses the platform, with the results to be presented at the end of the session.
Stadon's practice-based research intersects biocomputational processes, embodiment, and food ecologies toward performative art-science interventions. His PhD examines Post-Bio-Digital Identity and Augmentation Aesthetics through the Data Body Trader project and Stadon currently teaches at Interface Cultures (Linz), Winchester and LUCA Schools of Art, directs TeleAgriCulture and The Island of the Day Before Projects and is on the steering committees for the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 3erH0F and Donautics.