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Biocharmed: (Affective) Value Forms in Emerging Carbon Removal Markets

Date & time
Friday, January 20, 2023
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Registration is closed


Dr. Anne Pasek


This event is free


Milieux Institute


Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex
1515 St. Catherine W.
Room EV 11.705

Accessible location


A young, smiling woman with short hair and glasses standing in a clearing surrounded by trees on a sunny day

Join us for the second instalment in a series of talks planned collaboratively by the Critical Anthropocene Research Group (CARG), Colonialism Race and Indigenous Ecologies (CRIE), and Society, Politics, Animals and Materiality (SPAM).

The Critical Anthropocene Speakers Series will feature an in-person and online talk with Anne Pasek.

Anne Pasek will be speaking about her research in Low Carbon Research Methods. Pasek is an interdisciplinary researcher working at the intersections of climate communication, the environmental humanities, and science and technology studies. She studies how carbon becomes communicable in different communities and media forms, to different political and material effects.

Pasek is an assistant professor in the Department of Cultural Studies and the School of the Environment at Trent University, as well as the Canada Research Chair in Media, Culture and the Environment.

CARG and CRIE are also hosting a reading group focused on Pasek's recent essay published in the journal Environmental humanities titled "Carbon Vitalism: Life and the Body in Climate Denial".

The reading group will meet in-person on January 13, 2023, in EV10.625, from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.. If you would like to participate via zoom, please email for a zoom link.

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