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CUBCAPS -- Research Symposium

Date & time
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
2 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Registration is closed


Dr.Andrews from McGill University, Ali Behvarmanesh from McGill University, Dr Harrington from McGill University, Dr Lebel from Université de Montréal, Dr Gagnon is a professor from UQAM and more !


This event is free


Charbel Hachem


Loyola Jesuit Hall and Conference Centre
7141 Sherbrooke W.
Room 110-120-130

Accessible location


CUPCAPS -- Research symposium

Presented by the Concordia Undergraduate Biochemistry, Chemistry And Physics Society (CUBCAPS), the Research Symposium consists of a series of presentation on research conducted by professors from various universities surrounding Montreal in both the chemistry and physics department.

In addition, CUBCAPS will host a networking event with wine, chine and other refreshments, right after the presentations!

Both events will take place on Tuesday, March 19th starting at 2pm in the Loyola campus rooms RF-110-120-130.

Everyone is welcome to attend the event!

Sign up for the event using the following registration link

Guest speakers:

Mark P. Andrews is a professor from McGill University who specializes in materials chemistry. His laboratory is primarily concerned with the development of materials of various functional properties, particularly biopolymers and photo-imaging glasses. The title of his presentation is “From Lab Bench to Marketplace – reinterpreting cellulose in the framework of sustainable practices”.

Ali Behvarmanesh from the Centre of Structural Biology Research at McGill University studies various fields including molecular docking and structure-based and computational drug design. The title of his presentation is “Studying protein-protein interactions using phage display and deep mutational scanning”.

Matthew J. Harrington is a professor from McGill University who specializes in Chemical Biology and Materials Chemistry. His laboratory group researches bio-inspired materials processing, a cross-disciplinary design approach. The title of his presentation is “Bio-inspired materials processing: Time-tested tricks for sustainably fabricating advanced materials”.

Hélène Lebel from Université de Montréal is coming to present her group's research to us. Professor Lebel’s group examines the development of new synthetic methodologies in organic chemistry based on the use of organometallic catalysts to produce molecules with useful properties. The title of her presentation is A Journey in the Nitrogen World.

Alexandre Gagnon is a professor from UQAM who specializes in organometallic chemistry and pharmacology. His research group takes an interest in medicinal chemistry and epigenetics. His presentation is named : Development of Copper-Catalyzed C-, N-, O-, S-Cyclopropylation Reactions Involving Organobismuth and Boron Reagents.

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