Join Machine Agencies for A Byte-Sized Welcome, the exciting kick-off event for the new semester with Machine Agencies!
Come on down, grab some lunch, and learn about Machine Agencies, an exciting research community at the Milieux Institute investigating artificial intelligence technologies, cultures, and creations.
This is your chance to learn about our ongoing projects and hear about the upcoming activities and events we’re hosting!
Machine Agencies is an experiment between human and machine intelligences. We are a collection of researchers investigating artificial intelligence technologies, the culture of AI development, and AI’s social, political, and environmental consequences. We encourage cooperation and play, resisting the antagonism of more instrumental approaches of AI. Our members are working on fascinating projects that bridge the gaps between engineering, artistic creation, academic debate, policy development, and public discourse.
Machine Agencies is part of the Speculative Life Cluster at the Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology at Concordia University in Montreal. Machine Agencies draws on research supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.