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Workshops & seminars

Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change: Lessons from Kanien'kehá:ka-led Land-Based Learning and Partnership with Iontionhnhéhkwen Wilderness Skills

Date & time
Thursday, April 3, 2025
12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

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Ella Martindale, faculty in the First Peoples Studies Program & Shakohahiiostha McComber and David McComber, land-based facilitators


This event is free.


J.W. McConnell Building
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation

Room LB-145

Accessible location


Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change is a series of three separate workshops featuring speakers who share their insights on Indigenous environmental leadership, community action, and land-based learning initiatives. 

In this workshop, a panel of a speakers will share their insights into co-designing and implementing land-based learning opportunities for Concordia students in the local Kanien’kehá:ka community of Kahnawà:ke. Attendees will learn about the partnership between First Peoples Studies and Iontionhnhéhkwen Wilderness Skills land-based facilitators and the role of centring Rotinonhnsión:ni epistemologies and pedagogical land-based practices in deepening learners’ understanding of self in relationship to the land, to kinships, to community and to the responsibilities of addressing the impacts of climate change as future leaders in their communities.

A light lunch will be provided for in-person registrants.

This event has been generously funded by the Chamandy Foundation.


Ella Martindale, faculty in the First Peoples Studies Program.

Shakohahiiostha McComber and David McComber, land-based facilitators.

Founded in 2016 with the objective to rekindle people’s innate connections to the natural world and traditional teachings of the land, Iontionhnhéhkwen Wilderness Skills offers hands on and immersive training in wilderness survival skills, bush craft, camping, traditional skills and naturalist education to participants of all ages. Their dedicated team is driven by a passion for the outdoors and to help students develop strong practical skills, knowledge, and deep connections to the natural world.

Format: HyFlex (online via Zoom and in-person at SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation)

Please note that there is an in-person capacity of 60 people.

Audience: Concordia community and external

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