Date & time
12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
This event is free.
The sounds of our cities, our classrooms, our homes, and our methods of communication have all changed since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first weeks of the pandemic, Concordia researchers Jason Camlot and Katherine McLeod started thinking about our transitioning world in terms of the changes in our sonic environments. As researchers with the SSHRC-funded SpokenWeb partnership, Camlot and McLeod co-produced “How are we listening, now? Signal, Noise, Silence” for the SpokenWeb podcast series in order to document our reactions to the changes in what and how we hear the world around us, and each other, during this time of social distancing and self-isolation.
Now that three months have passed, 4TH SPACE invites you to join Camlot, McLeod, and special guests from across Concordia and beyond in a live conversation moderated by Aphrodite Salas that will revisit the creation of this podcast, and the question that prompted its production: How are we listening, now? Join the conversation on June 18 at 12:00 p.m by registering on Zoom or following along on our Facebook page. How will you listen?
Want to hear the original podcast first? Join us a week earlier, June 9 at 12:00 p.m., for a special airing on our Facebook page. Have questions? Send them to
Oana Avasilichioaei, Poet and Concordia Alumni
Jason Camlot, Professor (English, Concordia)
Stacey Copeland, PhD Student (SFU) and SpokenWeb Podcast Manager
Klara du Plessis, Poet and PhD Student (Concordia)
Alvaro Echánove, Musician
Katherine McLeod, Affiliate Assistant Professor (English, Concordia)
Marlene Oeffinger, Biochemist and PhD Student (Concordia)
Deanna Radford, Poet and MA Student (Concordia)
Aphrodite Salas, Assistant Professor (Journalism, Concordia)
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